
Let’s just blame Putin for Hillary Clinton’s coughing fit

Over the long weekend she suffered another coughing fit before a speech.


NBC’s brief little piece is accompanied by a 38 second video of Clinton coughing.

Daniella Diaz at CNN wrote: “Clinton has dealt with coughing fits before, but Monday’s [was] among the most disruptive”.

Good news, after 274 days former Secretary of State and Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton finally held a mini press conference yesterday on her new campaign plane.

I was watching the live stream of Hillary’s Clinton’s Labor Day speech in Cleveland.

Following the coughing fits, the hashtag #HackingHillary began to surface on social media, but Clinton was adamant that she was simply suffering from seasonal allergies like many other Americans.

It was believed originally that Clinton used her irrepressible coughing to avoid answering questions like those asked of her on Capitol Hill before the Benghazi Committee.

The report – while widely criticized by members of the media – was pushed by right-wing media figures who for years have led the charge in spreading debunked conspiracy theories about Clinton’s health.

There’s just one problem with this assertion: An ambulance is a staple of every presidential motorcade.


Fox News regularly employs truly reprehensible tactics when talking about Hillary Clinton, including the creation of mock scandals, and, of course, this conspiracy theory about her health.

Clinton debuts new plane, with media on board