
Former President Bill Clinton campaigns in Durham

“North Carolina, at its best, represents the future of America, and I hope the entire world by embracing your diversity”, said Clinton, referring to HB2. The Washington Post has a long list of numerous behaviors, the experiences, and the activities that he’s engaged in.


Though some Republicans tried to draw parallels between Laureate and Trump University, the real estate seminar company founded by Trump that faces multiple fraud investigations, Laureate is a different sort of business.

“He’s been accused repeatedly of fraudulent behavior”.

Bill Clinton scorned Trump for not being willing to truly put in the necessary hard work and simply wanting to “Make America Great Again”, saying the NY billionaire was looking to the past instead of the future.

Bill Clinton has announced the foundation would cease accepting foreign donations should his wife win the White House, drawing questions as to why it was appropriate to accept such monies when she was secretary of state. We may not be able to legally prove Clinton accepted bribes, but we know people and governments do not pay astronomical sums of money to anyone without receiving something in return.

In 1964 Associate Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart said he couldn’t define pornography, but he knew it when he saw it.

Clinton also went after Trump in the 20-minute Q&A, slamming him for his comments that President Obama should have left the G-20 summit in China because his airplane wasn’t given a red carpet like other foreign leaders received. She decided against it.

The centrist speech left some in the audience feeling lukewarm, such as Darryl Lamont Roberts, a Durham resident for 40 years. At the time, Bondi was debating whether to investigate the now defunct Trump University.


The senator is one of many high-profile surrogates campaigning for Clinton in the final two months before the November general election. A recent NBC News/SurveyMonkey poll reported that 87 percent of black voters support Hillary Clinton and eight percent of black voters support Trump.

Michelle Obama DNC