
Boy George praises Sir Tom Jones after replacing him on The Voice

He’s exclusively just been signed up as a judicial judge on The Voice still Boy George is already putting BBC bosses right in to a spin – ’cause of his new personalised food plan.


“This sub-standard behaviour from executives is very disappointing”.

He added that there was “no consultation or conversation of any kind, that I would not be returning”.

“I will always admire the courage of the performers who participate in the show, as well as all the production staff who worked tirelessly to make a great family viewing experience for the audience at home”.

But the BBC argued that the final decision over the line-up was only taken last Wednesday and Tom’s team were informed the following morning.

“We then announced it to the press so that it didn’t leak”.

Sir Tom’s main gripe is that he was only told that he was being axed last week – on the same day as the public announcement. This has been the same every year and no role was ever promised.

Relations between producers and the Welsh singer’s entourage had soured to the extent that feelers were being put out to find a replacement for the 75-year-old from March, several weeks before the show ended in April.

Boy George has given BBC chefs a list of foods he will not be able to eat while he is on “The Voice“, including cauliflower and lemons.

The changes come following the departure of Rita Ora, who left the show for “X Factor” after just one series.

But the worldwide star insisted that he had no knowledge of any rows behind the scenes.

Tyler “I Was Best Friends With Amy Winehouse” James (she’s mentioned six times on his Wikipedia page alone) was a fan-favourite during the first series of “The Voice“, famously performing a duet with dangling from the ceiling. Not any more.

The forty year old is said to have been offered a huge multi-million pound offer, with a TV insider dishing to the Daily Star: “They will do whatever it takes to rescue the show”.

Ex Culture Club frontman Boy George has wasted no time in making his backstage demands known on The Voice, according to a source in The Mirror.


From what we can gather, he’s still living comfortably with Zippy and George in the “Rainbow” house, following his brief appearance on “The Voice” this year.

Boy George praises Sir Tom Jones after replacing him on The Voice