
Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton compete for military support

“Trump is erratic, vindictive and thin-skinned”, Wallace said in the Hillary for Iowa statement.


“Our adversaries are chomping at the bit”, he said, blaming President Barack Obama and his former secretary of state Clinton for allowing the United States to lose global influence.

The Democratic and Republican nominees will speak separately at a “commander-in-chief forum” in New York City, airing on NBC News.

Hillary Clinton defended anew her handling of classified information as secretary of state Wednesday night, insisting she did not jeopardize national security by discussing the Obama administration’s drone program and other sensitive matters on a personal email account.

In 2013, Mr Trump said sequestration imposed “a very small percentage of the cuts that should be made, and I think, really, it’s being over-exaggerated”, according to CNN.

Trump has some convincing to do on foreign policy.

“If he says great things about me, I’m going to say great things about him”, Trumpsaid of Putin. During the primary, he was outspent by many of his Republican rivals but was able to leverage free media coverage to secure the party’s presidential nomination.

“I know more about Isis (Islamic State) than the generals do”.

The George Washington University poll finds 42% of likely voters supporting Clinton and 40% backing Trump, within the survey’s margin of error. “I don’t want people to be reading about it in 200 or 400 years”, said Mr. Trump.

“It would be a very special circumstance”, he said.

The event is hosted by the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America. The forum is the only joint appearance scheduled before the first states begin early voting.

She said she had “an absolute rock steadiness” to be able to make tough decisions, a not so subtle dig at Trump, who Democrats say is temperamentally unfit for the White House.

Trump said Clinton’s time as USA secretary of state from 2009 to 2013 left the Middle East in “more disarray than ever before”. The issue has raised questions about whether she can be trusted to serve as president.

The FBI found that some emails sent or received by Ms Clinton contained classified information, but director James Comey did not recommend she face prosecution.

“They would probably be different generals to be honest with you”, Mr Trump replied.

Respondents were evenly split between Clinton and Trump when asked “which presidential candidate do you believe will be better at keeping us safe?”.

Presidential candidates don’t have to file details about their August fundraising and spending until September 20. But she said there was no discussion of “covert actions” that were being considered in the messages. “We need change, and we need it fast”.

While Ms. Clinton ruled out the deployment of American ground troops in West Asia, her speech in Florida was in tune with the conventional notion of the military being the keeper and protector of “American values” all over the world.


“This is Hillary Clinton’s foreign policy legacy: failure and death”, Trump said to an audience of several hundred at the Union League in Philadelphia. Trump has condemned the war during his campaign and said he would avoid lengthy conflicts in the Middle East. Of all people supporting either Clinton or Trump, male Trump voters were least confident that their spouses shared their views.

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