
Minister asks foreign tourists not to wear skirts, courts row

India, the minister said, is a “cultural country” and “we have a different dress code for temples”.


Sharma’s advice has caused controversy in India, which has become infamous around the world in recent years after reports of several high-profile gang rapes and attacks on women have been discussed in the media.

Mahesh Sharma made the comments over the weekend while promoting a welcome kit that will be handed out to tourists when they arrive in India.

The advice is to be included in a leaflet being prepared for foreign visitors ahead of India’s tourist season from October until March, the minister said.

The tourism minister warned that female visitors and tourists traveling to the India should desist from wearing skirts “for their own safety”. The pamphlet also mentions some religious places ask travelers to cover their heads or remove their shoes, and encourages tourists to learn about local customs where they plan to travel.

In Agra, however, Sharma insisted that there is a difference between Indian and western cultures that makes “skimpy” clothing an inappropriate choice.

However, Sharma had later clarified that he had given the statement out of “concern” and “in the context of religious places”. We have a tradition (of saying) Atithi Devobhava (the guest is nearly like God). “Known locally as “Eve-teasing”, these incidents of sexual harassment can be quite frightening and can quickly cross the line from verbal to physical”. But something as part of advisory and precaution is something different. A ban is unimaginable.

“Girls wanting a night out may be all right elsewhere but it is not part of Indian culture”, he said.

Social media was soon filled with pictures of skirts playing a prominent role in traditional Indian dress, as well as users saying that the minister should be focus on bringing more tourists to the country rather than repulsing them.

Sharma responded to critics’ comments that he was essentially imposing a dress code on women by saying: “I am a father of two daughters”.


Sharma said women can ultimately wear whatever they want.

Indian Minister advises tourists not to wear skirts