
Trump pledges big US military expansion

Trump’s comments came during a televised national security forum where he and Democratic rival Hillary Clinton each fielded 30 minutes of questions about their experience and judgment to be commander in chief.


Some veterans and families of military members killed in action protested outside Trump Tower in NY on Wednesday.

Trump had agreed it’s “a massive problem”, and something should be done.

“And the best thing we can do is set up a court system in the military”.

There is an existing military court system, with judges, prosecutors and courts martial.

Earlier Wednesday, Trump pledged to increase USA military spending – already at levels far higher than any other nation – and to demand a plan to beat the Islamic State (ISIS) group if he becomes president.

Currently, the reports of sexual assault must stay within the chain of command. “What did these geniuses expect when they put men & women together?”

“Well, it is, it is a correct tweet”, Trump said. “You would leave a certain group behind and you would take various sections where they have the oil”. “The problem is nobody gets prosecuted”.

Republican Donald Trump is spending about $2 million on advertising in Virginia as he seeks to reduce a big spending gap with Democrat Hillary Clinton in battleground states, NBC reported.

With just two months until the election, the candidates made their bid to convince traditionally Republican-leaning troops and veterans – as well as the many distrustful general election voters – that they would be better at keeping the country safe, employing troops overseas and caring for those who served.

While Trump has often complained that USA forces are not large enough or well-equipped, he’s also said that he’d save money by cutting waste and ensuring that contractors aren’t getting sweetheart deals due to their connections or lobbying efforts.

“Is the plan you’ve been hiding this whole time asking someone else for their plan?” The one-hour forum was co-hosted by NBC News and the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, and was moderated by NBC’s Matt Lauer. Or maybe the plan is to plan for a plan.

Lauer asked: “But you have your own plan?”

Mrs Clinton is sending her running mate, Tim Kaine, to the area on Friday, her campaign said.

“And we’ve got to do it with air power”. But she’s arguing that her opponent has not taken responsibility for his support of the war.

Clinton rallied supporters at a voter registration event in swing state Florida, while the billionaire real estate mogul held a town hall meeting with military veterans before heading to North Carolina for an evening campaign rally.

“She never backs down, she never gives up, and she’s a fighter who knows how to win the tough fights”, Boswell said.

Clinton conceded that some of the messages included references to the covert drone programme.

As for reaction to the editorial, Willey said it’s been mixed.

Clinton has said the Clinton Foundation would stop taking foreign and corporate contributions if she were elected (she should go further, by severing all family ties with the foundation) while Trump has no plans to minimize such conflicts of interest – or even to disclose them.

– Clnton is again saying that her vote in favor of the Iraq war was a mistake.

“They know they can count on me to be the kind of commander in chief who will protect our country and our troops, and they know they cannot count on Donald Trump”, Clinton said en route to Florida. “Absolutely. Now we have to vet very carefully, everybody would agree with that”.

“So this should have been expected and does that mean the only way to fix it is to take women out of the military?” he asked.

“Actually it’s 22. It’s nearly impossible to conceive that this is happening in this country”, he said. In the process, we will make government leaner and more responsive to the public.

“I have a whole section devoted to veterans’ mental health”.

She says she wants to assure people serving that reporting a menatl health issue won’t be a black mark against them. We have to do more about addiction.

Asked by investigators about a Pentagon employee’s email about a drone strike, Clinton said the employee was familiar with handling classified information and therefore was not concerned about the source of the email.

A member in the audience asked Trump how he would deescalate tension with Russian Federation. “And I think I would have a very, very good relationship with Russian Federation”, he said.

“I think so”, Graham responded. “We will be defended because without defence, we don’t have a country”, he said. She said she communicated classified information “on a wholly separate system” and that nothing that moved through her private e-mail had header markings to indicate highly sensitive material.


Clinton had sharp words for the Republican nominee, saying Trump was “dead wrong” in saying that his tax returns were not the concern of everyday Americans, despite every major presidential nominee since Richard Nixon releasing their taxes before the election.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump gives a thumbs up after a town hall in Virginia Beach Va