
Watch Vladimir Putin’s Face Appear In Flock Of Birds In NYC

More than 1 million people have viewed a YouTube video that seems to show a flock of birds over New York City forming the face of Russian President Vladimir Putin. It’s a Bird! It’s a plane!


IT turns out Vladimir Putin was seen invading the skies of New York City last week.

The video, with the face clearly visible, was captured by Sheryl Gilbert as she was visiting New York with her family.

“It’s a warning to the US that they shouldn’t start a war with Russian Federation”, wrote another. After all, birds don’t really make the greatest of portraitists.

Can you see Vladimir Putin’s face in this flock of birds? Has Russia’s king of masculine poses found a way to get a swarm of flying birds to soar into a formation of his face?

He said: “Saw it several days ago during a trip and that’s awesome!”

Sheryl Gilbert said: “Me and my husband were in NYC yesterday and we never thought this would happen”.

There has been speculation that the mysterious face could be a fraud, but Mrs Gilbert and her husband strongly assert it is real. One comment by Ruslan Chuzin reads: “Don’t be such naive children, installation of medium quality, fake, but funny” so maybe the Russians don’t think it’s real.


And it is not just any face, but the face of Putin.

Thousands of birds fly together in distance over New York