
Green Party candidate faces charges in graffiti protest

“What we did was totally take the lid off fossil fuel extractions in every way imaginable”, Stein said in the interview. The doctor writes, “I approve this message”.


The Morton County Sheriff’s Department – which did not immediately respond to BuzzFeed News’ request for comment – has also filed misdemeanor charges and a warrant against Stein’s running mate, Ajamu Baraka. No arrests were made at the time. “We will pursue charges as needed”.

Stein was part of a group of about 175 people who protested the pipeline at the construction site on Tuesday morning.

Morton County reports that the incident occurred at or around 10:30 A.M. Tuesday where protesters numbered up to 300, according to the 25 first responders to arrive on the scene.

About 200 people protested at the construction site two miles east of State Highway 6 about 20 miles south of Mandan, and two protesters bound their hands to bulldozers for several hours. The statement didn’t say how many officers were being added.

The same day the Green Party duo visited the protest site, a federal judge ordered construction to temporarily stop at some of the pipeline construction sites.

In a statement Wednesday, Stein stood by her actions at the protest, calling the pipeline “another deadly blow to a climate teetering on the brink”.

In July, NPR reported, the tribe filed a lawsuit arguing that, when the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers authorized the Dallas-based company Energy Transfer Partners to build the pipeline, it did not follow proper procedures.

Dakota Access claims no historical sites were destroyed, and the sheriff’s office said private security workers were physically assaulted with fence posts and flagpoles.

He noted that he saw very few law enforcement personnel near the protest site Wednesday and said he’s appealing to protesters to remain “peaceful and prayerful”. Two other pieces of construction machinery were also spray-painted.

Videos have surfaced online depicting protesters attacking the leashed guard dogs with wooden sticks.


Just days before, protesters had been attacked by company owners who brought attack dogs and used pepper spray.

Green Party Presidential Candidate Jill Stein