
Hillary Clinton is one email away from jail: Bobby Jindal

And second, it was revealed from the Intelligence Community’s internal watchdog that among the emails that it has reviewed so far, at least two of the emails on that server contained information that has been deemed “TOP SECRET”. The inspector general had informed congressional committees that five out of 40 her randomly selected emails contained classified information.


Hillary Clinton’s campaign said Tuesday night that she will provide her private email server and a thumb drive containing her messages to the Justice Department, which is reviewing the security of the unusual email arrangement she used as secretary of State. Clinton is set to testify in October before the committee investigating the 2012 terror attack, refusing to testify twice, as was initially requested.

This is in spite of all the bad press Clinton is getting and is expected to continually receive from the email server scandal.

A majority of American voters think Hillary Clinton’s emails should be subject to a criminal investigation, a Monmouth University poll out Wednesday has found.

Meanwhile, Republican lawmakers have contacted Platte River Networks with questions about the measures taken to protect the server it was storing for Clinton.

“Secretary Clinton continues to prove she has neither”, said Rick Perry, a former Texas Governor and a Republican presidential aspirant. “This is something that has put national security at risk and highly questions her ability to be the commander in chief of the United States“.

Some, though, see a prosecution as unlikely if all that’s found is a misdemeanor infraction.

She says she doubts a server kept at home can be secure, saying, “Not the way it needs to be”.

Clinton announced that she would turn the server over to the Federal Bureau of Investigation Tuesday. “She knows she did something wrong and has run out of ways to cover it up”.

At another campaign event in Iowa, Jindal warned that if Clinton is elected, which he called the re-election of President Barack Obama, “this country is done”. Using a private account was bad policy and, with the server back in the headlines this week, it is proving to be bad politics as well.

Republicans jumped on Clinton’s Tuesday decision to change course, as well as the additional disclosure that two emails that traversed her personal system were subsequently given one of the government’s highest classification ratings. The transfer was carried out in June 2013, she told The Post.

He tells OneNewsNow that the same formula needs to be applied to Mrs. Clinton as was applied to Petraeus, the former Central Intelligence Agency director who pled guilty to one misdemeanor charge of mishandling classified information.

Officials are investigating whether classified information was improperly sent, though it’s not clear if the device will yield any information. But then she used her personal email for State Department business.

Lawyers for Cheryl Mills, who was Clinton’s State Department chief of staff, and Huma Abedin, another top aide, told the State Department on Wednesday that they will follow U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan’s directive that they not delete federal records – which primarily means emails – in their possession.

The State Department previously had said it was comfortable with Kendall keeping the emails at his Washington law office.

Clinton says no emails were marked classified at the time, but some may have been upgraded since.


Bush was careful not to directly equate Clinton with the actions of Manning and Snowden, but he forcefully argued that he felt Clinton was being reckless with state information while she led the State Department.