
Bill Clinton Stops in Orlando for his Wife

President Clinton hit the campaign trail in central Florida to champion his wife’s commitment to diversity.


In a 30-second spot set to air in the Miami media market, Carlos Gutierrez, a Cuban-born Republican who served as the nation’s Commerce Secretary under George W. Bush, attacks Donald Trump as risky while touting Hillary Clinton’s experience.

In the video, the title of which translates to “Country First”, Gutierrez warns Americans not to vote for Republican nominee Donald Trump, whom he says is “dangerous”. “That message where “I’ll give you America great again” is if you’re a white Southerner, you know exactly what it means, don’t you?”

Bill Clinton will speak Wednesday morning at Dr. Smith’s Neighborhood Center at 1723 Bruton Orlando.

Yes, Hillary Clinton seems more comfortable on stage (“On the trail, Clinton finds her comfort zone”, Page A1, September 5).

Bill Clinton said he sympathized with “a huge percentage of people” who are angry and frustrated because they feel like they can’t change their future or give their children better futures. He lambasted governors who rejected President Barack Obama’s efforts to expand the Medicaid health insurance program in their states. “We need you to vote, to go out and talk”, he said.

“We were all rising together”.


Bill Clinton visited Orlando on August 24, paying his respects to the victims of the Pulse nightclub massacre.

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