
Pope shares pizza lunch with the poor

The Vatican handed out 100,000 tickets for the ceremony, but thousands more thronged to the Vatican.


The church says one of the miracles healed the abdominal tumor of woman in India.

Deviating from his homily Sunday, Francis acknowledged it’ll be hard for admirers to make the switch since Mother Teresa’s saintliness is “so close to us”.

Several flags fluttered over the ceremony: Albania, representing Mother Teresa’s ethnic origin; Macedonia, representing her birthplace; India, the place of most of her good works; and numerous other countries where her works touched many lives. It will no doubt be hard to call her St. Teresa after calling her Mother Teresa for so many years.

Last December, Pope Francis had paved the way towards making her a saint. “Her holiness is so near to us, so tender and so fruitful, that we continue to spontaneously call her Mother”.

“Her testimony makes us reflect and transform … and make a better world”, Brazilian priest Carlos Jose Nacimento said.

Maria Theresa is considered a symbol of Francis’ papacy, a pope that lives in a hotel room rather than the Apostolic Palace.

In keeping with her spirit, he was treating 1,500 homeless people bussed into Rome for the Mass to a pizza lunch in the Vatican auditorium afterward.

“Volunteers built a very attractive house on the lakeshore here in St. Paul, and they sold it”, said Terrio. “She is our mother and so we have to watch this”, they said.

The Missionaries of Charity order went on to become one of the most well-known in the world, with more than 4,000 sisters in their trademark blue-trimmed white saris doing as Teresa instructed: “small things with great love”.

Mother Teresa, who was born Agnes Gonxhe Bojaxhui on August 26, 1910, died on September 5, 1997.

The Archdiocese of Miami held a special mass Sunday with the missionaries of charity recalling her visits to Miami.

Nuns of Missionaries of Charity watching Nobel prize victor Mother Teresa canonisation programme at Mother house Kolkata through live telecast in Kolkata on September 04, 2016.


The Roman Catholic nun has always been called Saint of the Gutters, so the canonization just validates how many already felt about the her. Pope John Paul II accelerated her canonization process, and now, she has been declared a saint.

Mother Teresa to be made saint at Vatican ceremony