
Hunting down IS leader should be ‘top priority’: Clinton

On the campaign trail Wednesday, Trump laid out several proposals created to update and upgrade America’s military, including asking top USA generals to present a plan to defeat and destroy ISIS within 30 days after he takes office. But it also notes Clinton’s opponents “refuse to see anything but conspiracies and cover-ups” and argues despite Clinton’s shortcomings, she will prove a “competent experienced president”.


Also on Wednesday, Clinton’s campaign announced that 95 retired generals and admirals have endorsed her presidential bid, one day after a group of 88 retired generals and admirals signed an open letter backing Trump to reverse the “hollowing out” of the USA military.

The candidates also took questions from an audience of veterans and active-duty troops gathered on the decommissioned USS Intrepid.

President Barack Obama said Thursday that Republican Donald Trump confirms his belief that Trump isn’t qualified to be president “every time he speaks”, adding that he was confident Americans would ultimately reject the brash billionaire on Election Day.

On Tuesday, Trump promised to convene his military commanders soon after taking office with “a simple instruction” aimed at the Islamic State group. “If he says great things about me, I’m gonna say great things about him”. “If I win, I don’t want to broadcast to the enemy what my plan is”. Asked about whether her “hawkish” foreign policy, Clinton also said that she views “force as a last resort, not a first choice”.

James Comey, FBI director, had declared her “extremely careless” in her handling of sensitive material but did not recommend charges against her.

“I would never comment on any aspect of an intelligence briefing I received”, she said.

In addition to mentioning Videgaray, Trump answered the question about temperament by pointing to his success in the GOP primary.

The latest NBC News|SurveyMonkey Weekly Election Tracking Poll was conducted online from August 29 through September 4 among 32,226 registered voters, including 3,358 who have previously served or are now serving in the United States military.

“The thing I object to about Donald Trump is that he wants to keep (Syrian President Bashar al-Assad) in power”, Graham said.

Reaction seemed to be that Lauer generally took a more aggressive posture toward Clinton – focusing on the controversy over her emails – than Trump. She said she couldn’t promise there would be no terror attacks on US soil if she becomes president, calling preventing terrorism “a huge challenge”. She vowed to not send American ground troops into Iraq or Syria to fight the Islamic State group.

Trump’s Union League address also included his plans to eliminate deep spending cuts, known as the “sequester”, enacted when Congress failed to reach a budget compromise in 2011. That assertion is contradicted by an interview Trump did with Howard Stern in September 2002 in which he was asked whether he supported the invasion.

John Horvick, DHM vice president, said he was struck that almost 40 percent of voters are not supporting either Trump or Clinton. And he is making a strong push for the veteran vote – in a state where many current and former military personnel live.


Mr Trump said his plan would be paid for by cutting government waste, collecting uncollected taxes and slimming down the federal workforce.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton with'Today show co-anchor Matt Lauer left speaks at the NBC Commander-In-Chief Forum held at the Intre