
Donald Trump vows to direct billions to military

While still not giving many specifics on his plan to fight ISIS – which he has said he won’t release so as not to tip off US enemies – Trump said there would be “different generals” who would advise him on national security and military policy as president.


Though Trump comfortably earns the support of military-affiliated voters overall, Clinton is perceived more favorably on the use of nuclear weapons (44 percent) while a quarter of them said they would not trust either her or Trump to handle these issues. This amount is superior to the combined total in financial resources, of the 7 other countries that are investing more money in the military sector. The Republican also said that, if elected, he would give military leaders 30 days to formulate a multi-pronged plan to defeat ISIS. He also said he would ask the joint chiefs of staff to conduct a review of the nation’s cyber defenses to determine all vulnerabilities.

An NBC News/SurveyMonkey Weekly Election Tracking Poll showed Trump leads Clinton by 19 points – 55 percent to 36 percent – among voters who are now serving or have previously served in the USA military.

During the NBC News Commander-in-Chief forum, a father in the audience asked Trump what he thought about his daughter’s decision not to join the military after studying up on the risk of sexual assault.

Clinton began August with $58 million, compared to Trump who started the month with $38 million.

Trump: It is a correct tweet.

“If he says great things about me, I’m going to say great things about him”.

Yesterday, the Dallas Morning News set the stage for its endorsement of Clinton, publishing a scathing editorial that questioned Trump’s conservative credentials.

“I think I would have a very, very good relationship with Putin, and I think I would have a very, very good relationship with Russia”, Trump said, while criticizing Obama’s handling of Putin.

“Apparently Trump said if there had been the kerfuffle about the stairs and the press, he would have just stayed on the plane and gone home”.

Mr Trump hasn’t made clear whether he would also seek to lift the domestic spending caps, which Democrats say is a necessary condition for undoing the defense limits.

A senior adviser, speaking on the condition of anonymity to share details ahead of the speech, said Trump would ensure the additional spending is fully paid for.

This appears to be created to make Trump a less controversial candidate among the existing Republican leadership, many of whom have bristled at his “isolationist” platform, which doubted the merits of some recent United States wars, as well as acrimony toward Russian Federation along the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation frontier in Eastern Europe.


But questions remain, even in his party. He added that, “we’ll all make our assessments”, in the candidates’ foreign affairs abilities by early November.

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