
Complaint says pictures taken of Turner’s home

He served three months of a six-month sentence before being released on Friday.


He returned to OH after his release from a California jail on Friday.

Turner’s case gained national attention during the summer after the three-time All-American swimmer, facing 10 years in prison, was sentenced to just six months in a county jail.

Greene County Sheriff Gene Fischer told Reuters Friday that Turner would be registered as a sex offender in OH for life and would have to check in with authorities every three months for as long as he lives in the county.

She described finally learning what happened to her through news reports: how she was found unconscious behind a dumpster between two fraternity houses, her dress pulled over her shoulders, her bra pulled down, naked from the waist down. The woman passed out, and Turner was on top of her when confronted by two graduate students passing by on bicycles.

He faced up to 14 years behind bars and Santa Clara County prosecutors sought six years.

Over the weekend, protesters armed with guns and signs gathered outside the family’s home disrupting life for residents in the quiet neighborhood.

Turner’s sentence was widely criticized for being too lenient and sparked public outrage, as well as a petition to recall California Superior Court Judge Aaron Persky.

He has since stepped down from trying criminal cases in Santa Clara County and is hearing cases in civil court.

Supporters of the judge responded with their own campaign last week with a website called “Retain Judge Persky”. California inmates can serve half time due to good behavior. Turner is now prohibited from living within 1,000 feet of a school, Fischer added.

“We follow the same procedure when they come into register”, said Greene County Sheriff Gene Fischer. He will remain on probation for three years and will have to register as a Tier III sex offender in Greene County.

Turner told sheriff’s investigators that he was heavily drinking at the party where he met the woman, kissed her outside on the ground and believed the sex was consensual.


As part of the program, Turner must submit to polygraph tests.

Brock Turner is a new addition to the sex offender registry