
Phyllis Schlafly, opponent of equality, dead at 92

“Phyllis spent her long life fighting for our American culture that she saw too often under assault by globalists”, Ed Martin, her handpicked successor as president of Eagle Forum, explained to me.


Schlafly’s defeat of the ERA hinged in large part on her ability to appeal to religious voters, proving to Republican strategists that there was a new constituency they could win elections with, said Donald Critchlow, Arizona State University politics professor and author of “Phyllis Schlafly and Grassroots Conservatism”.

The death of Schlafly has resulted in many condolences brought forth by conservatives and rightwing organizations, including the Family Research Council. Schlafly was an outspoken anti-communist in the 1950s and a strong backer of Barry Goldwater’s presidential bid in 1964.

Schlafly, a Missouri native who was raised a staunch Catholic, founded the pro-family conservative group the Eagle Forum in 1972. Trump says he was “honored to spend time with her”.

Mike Huckabee, who ran against Trump for this year’s nomination, said Schlafly changed his life.

“Phyllis Schlafly was a courageous and articulate voice for common sense and traditional values”. Her son, John, received attention in 1992 when it was revealed he was gay. She also authored almost two dozen books and wrote a syndicated weekly column.

She told LifeNews: “Phyllis will be missed yet her legacy will live on through my generation and in the young women who are fearless in the fight for the lives of the preborn and their mothers on their campuses and in their workplaces and communities”. To feminists, she was the worst kind of hypocrite, a person who claimed women’s place was in the home while she herself traveled the country giving speeches and published more than 20 books. I respected her for her leadership skills, even when she campaigned against nearly all of the causes that I supported. These kingmakers. they’re the people who really want us to be bipartisan and get along with everybody. Later, she led national movements and global protests.

Schlafly earned her law degree at age 51, graduating 27th in a class of 204. She battled, she won, she confounded the radical left wing feminists time and again.


Although she was a powerful woman in her own right, Schlafy drew upon her staunch opposition to women’s lib by suggesting that females not complain about their roles in society as wives and housekeepers. However, her parents were not political activists. Oh yes, and she raised six children while accounting for sixteen grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.

Phyllis Schlafly 1924- 2016