
Pence agrees with Trump that Putin ‘stronger’ leader than Obama

“I think when he calls me “brilliant”, I’ll take the compliment, OK?” said the businessman, adding that Mr Putin had “great control over his country”.


Still, the government’s most senior Republican stressed Thursday that he does not share Trump’s complimentary view of Putin. Trump’s apparent infatuation with Vladimir Putin is one of the strangest features of an already freaky campaign season.

In a sit-down with CNN’s Dana Bash at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, the GOP vice presidential nominee said Donald Trump was speaking “boldly” as did the 40th president of the United States.

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump told a Russia-funded television network Thursday that “it’s probably unlikely” that Russian Federation is trying to influence the US election.

“What you didn’t hear from Donald Trump last night was any plan to take on IS”, Clinton said.

A national security expert familiar with the process said Trump’s briefers would not have expressed displeasure in any way.

After recounting the intensity of the mission that night by the Navy SEALS, she added, “That, Donald Trump, is what American honor looks like and that is what we’re going to stand up and defend in the face of your outrageous, disgraceful attacks on the men and women of our armed forces”. “You’re running to be the leader of the free world, and if you find admiration of Vladimir Putin, then I’m not with you”.

Perhaps we can assume that, in an alternate reality where Donald Trump becomes president instead of Hillary Clinton, one of the first things he would do is slash the current presidential press pool. It was the first time Trump and Clinton had squared off on the same stage since securing their nominations in July.

Time agreed, citing “plenty of unilluminating blather spewed by both candidates”.

Asked about his plan to have generals submit a proposal to defeat ISIS when he’s declared he knows more about the terror group than they do, Trump said, “Well, they’ll probably be different generals, to be honest with you. There was scant optimism”. The New York Times pronounced that the “consensus afterwards was not kind”. That assertion is contradicted by an interview Trump did with Howard Stern in September 2002 in which he was asked whether he supported the invasion.

The Republican also repeated an incorrect claim that he was opposed to the war with Iraq before the invasion. “And the President urged public and the media to follow-up on what he called Trump’s contradictory, uninformed, or in his words, ‘outright wacky ideas'”.

The Clinton campaign capitalized Thursday afternoon on the widespread criticism of Matt Lauer’s lack of tough questions in Wednesday evening’s NBC presidential forum, sending out a fundraising email swiping at the Today show host’s performance. “And I think I would have a very, very good relationship with Russian Federation”. “Always have, always will”. She also fleshed out several national security priorities if she is elected, including trying to take out the leader of the Islamic State and vowing to defeat the extremist group without putting US troops on the ground in Iraq or Syria.

Clinton, who voted in favor of the 2003 Iraq war as a senator but has since said she regrets doing so, said she would convene a meeting of bipartisan security experts on Friday to discuss the fight against Islamic State.


But she said it meant she was in “the best possible position” to ensure it never happened again.

Putin is More of a Leader than President Obama – Donald Trump