
Taxpayers to pay $1.6 million to attorneys in abortion case

Planned Parenthood called the videos highly edited and misleading.


A federal judge said in a preliminary injunction Wednesday that Governor Herbert must give a 30-day notice to Planned Parenthood to cut funds.

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released a proposed rule last week that seeks to ban any recipient of Title X federal funding for family planning from excluding potential funding recipients “for reasons unrelated to its ability to provide services effectively”. “Funds that would be better spent ensuring that women in Wisconsin had access to basic birth control and preventive health care are instead being wasted on unconstitutional restrictions aimed at blocking access to abortion in our state”.

The Obama administration also uses the argument that no federal monies can be used for abortions anyway under the Hyde Amendment; therefore, Planned Parenthood should not be excluded from receipt of the Title X funding, based on the types of services it provides. “And to say now that Planned Parenthood would be one of those, because we would be prohibited from making that decision”.

“We must use the full force of Congress and the grassroots strength of the national pro-life movement to defeat this absurd rule and prevent the Obama Administration from acting unilaterally to carry out political favors and prop up a scandal-ridden abortion provider”, she said. Calling on pro-lifers across the country for support, Black committed to fight the proposed rule change.

“Women in almost half the states in the country have faced political attacks on cancer screenings, birth control, and other basic care”, Ms. Richards said in a statement last week.

In the past, the Obama administration sidestepped state laws to directly fund Planned Parenthood in Texas, Tennessee, North Carolina, and New Hampshire in defiance of state laws defunding the abortion provider. “By law, services are provided to low-income individuals at no or reduced cost”.

Planned Parenthood operates abortion clinics in Milwaukee and Madison.

Black, a member of the Select Panel on Infant Lives – which is investigating allegations that Planned Parenthood and other abortion clinics sold aborted fetal body parts for profit – said that the panel has uncovered “practices in those clinics that are, I believe, unlawful, certainly unethical”.


Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin is a nonprofit health care provider caring for 60,000 patients annually at 21 health centers.

Obama’s Deputies Push Regulation To Make States Pay Planned Parenthood				AP			by Dr. Susan Berry6 Sep 20160		6 Sep 2016		6 Sep 2016