
Newspaper endorses Libertarian presidential nominee Gary Johnson

“I think that right now we’re at a tipping point, where at any moment we are going to begin to see an outpouring of support”, said Latino GOP strategist Juan Hernandez, who works for Johnson in Arizona. The poll found that 64 percent of Trump supporters are voting anti-Clinton while only 25 percent are pro-Trump. Respondents think Clinton is smart (87 percent) and has the right experience to be president (71 percent), but she’s dishonest (66 percent).


Despite the heightened interest in third-party and independent candidates this cycle, none have been unable to hit the 15 percent threshold in any national poll.

Former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson is now polling below 15 percent, the benchmark to appear on the debate stage. That could indicate that Johnson gives a home to voters who feel closer to the Republican Party, but are not planning on supporting Trump even in a two-person race. Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton received 45 percent of the vote and Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump received 38 percent in a question that asked about all four candidates.

Students at Capital University near Columbus gathered for a rally that brought out a lot of young voters who have made a decision to support third party candidates such as the Green Party’s Jill Stein and the Libertarian Party’s Gary Johnson.

Johnson appears to be reaching the portion of the electorate that seems to have eluded Trump and Clinton’s campaigns.

Johnson, the former governor of New Mexico, has polled 10 percent or more in some surveys. To be eligible, the Libertarian contender must get an average of 15% support in five post-Labor Day national polls. “Anybody who would slightly consider themselves fiscally responsible and socially moderate.or tolerant should take a serious look at Gary Johnson”.

Gary Johnson is a self-made entrepreneur who turned his one-man carpentry operation into one of New Mexico’s largest construction companies. Both of them have unfavorability ratings of more than 50 percent. If you want to stop Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, you need to win electoral college votes.

“It isn’t game over if we’re not in the first debate”, Johnson said. That means some of his potential support gets split with Green nominee Jill Stein.

Johnson and Weld are making a late play on the television airwaves starting this week in order to explain to voters that there is indeed a third option available for them.


In that scenario, the election would be thrown to the House, where McMullin is deeply connected and polarization might make it hard for lawmakers to settle on Trump or Clinton.

Libertarian presidential candidate former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson speak with legislators at the Utah State Capitol in Salt Lake City. If Hillary Clinton carries Arizona in November there’s a good chance