
Modi leaves for home after attending ASEAN, East Asia Summits

According to Swarup, Modi told the leaders that “the terrorists in South Asia or anywhere for that matter do not own banks or weapons factories”. Unfortunately, however, such constructive statements remain confined in the bounds of sophisticated diplomatic circles without influencing the official narrative or state policies to a great extent.


He said a single nation in South Asia is spreading agents of terror in the region and, therefore, called on the worldwide community to isolate and sanction those indulging in the same.

In his meeting with President Xi, Modi expressed concern over terrorism emanating from Pakistan’s restive regions of Giligit-Baltistan and Pakistani Kashmir where the China Pakistan Economic Corridor is coming up.

“We are willing to take concrete steps to enhance coop in cyber security, de-radicalization and Counter Terrorism”, he said. India has a policy of zero tolerance to terrorism. “Because anything less than that is not enough”, Modi said.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi also met his Laos counterpart Thongloun Sisoulith.

The two leaders reviewed progress of negotiations to improve India-South Korea comprehensive economic partnership agreement and also 10 billion United States dollar package announced a year ago for infrastructure development in India. Further, Macri recalled his two previous visits to India, as a Mayor and as a tourist. The issue of terrorism figured in the Modi-May meeting. Talks then focused around climate change issues and energy cooperation.

The ASEAN summit was followed by the ASEAN Plus Three summit, where President Park said she hopes Wednesday’s meeting can serve to strengthen momentum for cooperation among 13 Asian states. The two leaders discussed their defence partnership.

During the meeting, Obama also praised Modi’s vision of entrepreneurship and innovation, which he said would be “very important for a country like India”. But New Delhi said on Tuesday that no decision had been taken yet. Macri recalled his two previous visits to India, as a tourist and as a Mayor.

However, India has been holding out thus far, making the lack of membership to the Nuclear Suppliers Group a sticking point in meeting its clean energy commitments.

Elaborating on India’s principled stand on the South China Sea issue, he said that the lanes of communication passing through the sea were the “main arteries of global merchandise trade”.

“Prime Minister Modi invited President Obama to visit India after he demits office”.

“For us a terrorist is a terrorist”, he asserted. Established in 1999, it aims to study, review, and promote high-level discussion of policy issues regarding promotion of global financial stability.


“Both Prime Ministers agreed to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations in a befitting manner”, Swarup stated.

US President Barack Obama Prime Minister Narendra Modi to have bilateral meeting in Laos White House