
Police threaten to boycott 49ers National Football League games over Kaepernick protests

His protest continued Thursday night when he chose to kneel for the national anthem in San Diego during the Chargers’ Salute to the Military.


Some American military veterans, many of them black, came to his defense online, using the hashtag #VeteransForKaepernick to indicate that they supported his right to express himself.

Kaepernick has become the focus of intense scrutiny for not standing during the playing of the national anthem in the 49ers’ last two preseason games as a form of protesting racial injustice in the United States.

The Santa Clara Police Officers’ Association said if the 49ers failed to take action against Kaepernick’s pregame protest, officers could respond by “choosing not to work at your facilities”, according to a letter written by union members obtained by NBC Bay Area.

Kaepernick has been in hot water with law enforcement nationwide since refusing to stand for the anthem, wearing socks depicting cops as pigs and criticizing police training. I want to help make America better.

The quarterback has refused to stand for the anthem at the team’s preseason games, most recently taking a knee a game in San Diego on Thursday night, to some boos from the crowd.

“I realize that men and women of the military go out and sacrifice their lives and put their selves in harm’s way for my freedom of speech”, he said. We were wondering of a way, people said that it was disrespectful for him to sit down, so he was able to decide what if we took a knee instead of sitting? I have to stand up for people that are oppressed. “I think having these conversations helps everybody have a better understanding of where everybody is coming from”.

On Monday, the San Francisco Police Officers Association also sent a letter to the 49ers and National Football League commissioner Roger Goodell, asking their organizations to apologize for Kaepernick. Local police agencies invited Kaepernick over to see their work in action, while numerous quarterback’s colleagues in the National Football League said they disagree with his decision not to stand – though some of said they support him.

The police hope this protest will convince the 49ers to punish Kaepernick (something that may not be necessary if he continues to play poorly).


The 49ers reiterated on September 2 the statement they released following Colin’s initial decision to sit during the national anthem; they recognized his freedom of expression, and right to not participate in the ceremony.

Police Union Threatens Not To Patrol 49ers Games Over Kaepernick Protest