
Foreign intervention in regional issues unacceptable: Iran

Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says the Islamic Republic opposes any kind of foreign intervention in the internal affairs of regional countries.


President Barack Obama said both Russian Federation and Iran had amended their dispositions toward the Assad administration.

“We have found that the Russian authorities are not clinging to Bashar al-Assad personally, but rather they’re clinging to the Syrian state, its territorial integrity, and the preservation of its institutions”, Khoja told journalists at a press conference.

The private initial Iranian advice to Assad is believed to have been to compromise and co-opt his enemies, but the Syrians instead resorted to brutal military force against what were initially civilians.

The Krelmin’s top diplomat has met with the Syrian opposition in Moscow. “Everyone knows that the terrorism that has been created is based on it”.

Syrian government powers are generally associated with having done the assault, which prompted a Russia-U.S. that decimated Syria’s compound weapons stocks under overall observing.

Lavrov’s meeting with his Saudi counterpart earlier this week highlighted continuing sharp differences about Assad’s fate.

Russian Federation fears religious extremists would emerge the victor if Assad’s government were to fall. Heavy fighting continues in eastern Ukraine, where Moscow may be escalating support for separatist rebels.

As part of a deal reached in July between Ankara and Washington, Turkish President and Justice and Development Party (AKP) government leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan gained US backing for the imposition of a militarized “buffer zone” encompassing hundreds of square miles in northern Syria.

Even amid high tensions over Ukraine, the meeting was a key part of recent engagement between the U.S. and Moscow on the vexing question of how to end Syria’s brutal civil war, which has left almost 250,000 dead, fueled the rise of the Islamic State, and helped to radicalize would-be terrorists around the world.


Now, however, that Assad has admitted he is losing ground and lacks sufficient number of troops to fight the rebels on all fronts, and Iran and Russian Federation fear that the rise of ISIS could divest them of their influence in Syria, they have all begun to search for a political solution. He had no more success with the Syrian opposition on Thursday.