
Hillary Clinton Claims Media Double Standard Favors Donald Trump

Carvey, on NBC’s Today, was impersonating Russian leader Vladimir Putin and commended Lauer for his work on the previous evening’s national security forum. Rather than calling out lies or focusing on issues, we had an hour of softballs and conspiracy theories.


During the “Commander-in-Chief Forum” hosted by NBC News Wednesday, Trump asserted he was “always against the war in Iraq” and cited comments he made in an Esquire magazine interview to bolster his discredited claim.

In contrast, Col. LaVerne Anderson, retired from the Army after almost 43 years of service and chairman of Iowa Veterans for Trump, said revelations about Clinton’s mishandling of sensitive intelligence material “should disqualify her as being president”.

Hillary Clinton went first, and for 12 of those minutes, Matt Lauer wanted to talk about Hillary’s emails. There were veterans in the audience asking questions, but it was all about her emails for nearly half of her allotted time. Yeah, ass. They don’t have much time because you spent it talking about emails.

Expectations for Clinton are highest among her own supporters, 91% of whom expect her to do a better job than Trump. Sten asked. Trump responded that his wife was at home and that he’s “not 100% sure” whether she was dressed or not. Don’t you think what she did was wrong?

It got an F overall, and a “D” for progress by the bottom 20 percent of students, according to a state report card. That’s what Lauer could’ve asked her, but he didn’t.

As for Donald Trump, Donald Trump gave a lot of answers.

In an interview with Neil Cavuto on Fox News in January 2003, Trump said of President George W. Bush, “Well, he has either got to do something or not do something, perhaps, because perhaps shouldn’t be doing it yet and perhaps we should be waiting for the United Nations, you know”. There was no substance. “I don’t want them to feel as if though they can be getting more recruits because of our politics”.

“One thing you didn’t hear from Trump is any plan to take on ISIS, one of the biggest threats facing our country”.


Asserting that Donald Trump is “temperamentally unfit” to be the U.S. commander-in-chief, Democratic Presidential nominee Hillary Clinton today said her Republican rival has no plan to defeat ISIS that makes him not only “dangerous” but “disqualifying”.

“You hear the one about the ISIS fighter who wants to Make America Hate Again?”