
But don’t let him be Labour leader

He warned that even if Mr Corbyn does not win his emboldened supporters will use their “newfound influence” within the party to “take out” whoever becomes the Labour leader.


Labour’s new leader will be announced on September 12.

He did not mention left-wing frontrunner Jeremy Corbyn or any of the other candidates in the speech, but said being “powerless” was worse than the party being “heartbroken”.

In a strongly-worded intervention Alastair Campbell called for Labour supporters to sign up to vote for “anyone but Corbyn”, claiming that the leadership contest was now a battle to save the party.

Earlier this week, former prime minister Tony Blair said Labour risked “annihilation” at the next election if Mr Corbyn became its next leader.

John Mann, chairman of the All-Party Parliamentary Group Against Antisemitism, said he had received more than 40 abusive emails and tweets in the past six weeks. “Protest will not be enough”.

GREEN Party followers should stop “fanboying” behaviour towards Jeremy Corbyn, according to a city activist.

Polls vary but most have shown that Jeremy Corbyn is the candidate most likely to engage with voters beyond Labour’s existing supporters.

At the packed meeting in St George’s Hotel in Llandudno the man many believe could be the next Labour leader also said Wales deserved special treatment after five years of austerity.

“While Jeremy is really clear about not insulting people and looking at the arguments, quite a few of his supporters say that if you don’t support Jeremy then you are a Tory and a traitor, which is wrong because we are all part of the Labour movement”.

Mr Corbyn is now the favourite to win from Yvette Cooper and Andy Burnham, with Ms Kendall consistently coming in fourth place in polls.

“This is the greatest opportunity the Labour Party has ever had to reconnect with people across this country, to bring people back who were seduced into voting Tory or Ukip because they didn’t see us offering a real alternative”.

A spokeswoman for Yvette Cooper’s leadership campaign said the Normanton, Pontefract and Castleford MP said it was up to the party to ensure the contest is a “fair process”.

But the only Welsh MP to nominate him – Huw Irranca-Davies – said he only did so to ensure a broad range of candidates, and that he intended to vote for Ms Cooper.

“There is absolutely no comparison between Corbyn and Foot, apart from both being decent and intelligent Labour MPs”, she said.


These are people who are going to vote Red anyway, what the party needs to be doing is winning members of the electorate who chose Conservative, the Liberal Democrats or UKIP at the last election.

What will Corbyn's supporters do if he doesn't lead Labour?