
Birther? What Birther? Rudy Giuliani Claims Donald Trump’s Not A Birther Anymore

Donald Trump’s campaign manager insisted Friday that the candidate no longer questions President Barack Obama’s birthplace, though Trump himself remains silent on the issue.


CNN has reached out to the Trump campaign for confirmation of Giuliani’s comments. Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii on August 4, 1961, despite allegations from birthers – including Trump – who charged that he was likely born in his father’s native Kenya, despite all evidence to the contrary.

For a time, Trump was the most prominent backer of the birther movement, a conspiracy theory that claimed President Barack Obama wasn’t born in the United States.

As recently as this week, though, the Republican nominee still refused to admit that Obama was born here, instead saying, “I don’t talk about it”.

In a mindboggling twist of words, Giuliani then veered from the point and tried to blame Hillary Clinton for even entertaining the notion that Obama wasn’t born in the U.S.

Giuliani responded, “Donald Trump believes now that he was born in the United States”.

Look at the polls – does America not agree with Donald Trump that the Iraq War was a mistake, that we lost thousands of American lives, that we lost trillions of dollars, and I just want to honor the sacrifice of those families who will never have their loved ones back with them again. Last month, the former NY mayor said there were no terrorist attacks on American soil before President Obama and Hillary Clinton took power in 2009. We all believe it.

He ‘has never said that – I’ve been waiting for him to do it, ‘ Matthews interjected.

‘He has told me that he is proud of the fact that he finally got Obama to produce his birth certificate, ‘ Giuliani said.

Giuliani has supported Trump for not apologizing for his widely reviled birther campaign..

Giuliani also continued to argue that it was Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign – and not Trump – that had initiated questions about Obama’s citizenship, though when he was asked for evidence of that claim, Giuliani demurred. I guess with maybe some, I don’t know why, I really don’t know why. That yes, President Obama was born here. Uh, he was born in Hawaii.


“I don’t know, I have no idea”, Trump replied. “Why won’t he come out and just own that position, ‘Yes, President Obama was born here, I was wrong to go with the birthers'”. You’re the first one that’s brought that up in a while’.

Rudy Giuliani and Donald Trump