
Donald Trump not qualified to be US president, says Obama

During Wednesday’s Commander-in-Chief forum, Trump was asked by NBC’s Matt Lauer whether he was comfortable praising and being praised by the former KGB agent turned president of Russian Federation. When Matt Lauer, the moderator of the event, broached the topic of the budding bromance between the two, Trump was quick to defend Putin while condemning President Barack Obama’s leadership.


Mr Trump had told the forum in NY that the Russian president had “been a leader far more than our president has been”.

Obama, asked about Trump while attending a summit in Laos, repeated his assessment that Trump is unqualified to be president.

Mr Trump found new and interesting ways to show his tenuous command of policy details and shower questionable praise on a USA rival. The issue has raised questions about whether she can be trusted to serve as president.

When discussing her use of a personal email server Mrs Clinton tripped up.

Reiterating remarks she made during a news conference earlier in the day, Clinton added, “I was trying to think about what other presidents would be imagining hearing that, coming out of the nominee for the Republican Party?”

Trump’s campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway, defended Trump’s appearance to CNN’s Chris Cuomo on “New Day” on Friday, saying that Trump wasn’t criticizing the USA to say the Iraq War was a failure.

“I realize this raises tensions”, Obama said as he met with ASEAN leader, referring to a recent worldwide arbitration ruling against China on the maritime dispute.

Trump, who earlier in the day proposed a massive increase in USA military spending, said the military’s leadership “has been reduced to rubble” under the Obama administration.

Trump had called Obama “the founder of ISIS”, an acronym for Islamic State, in stump speeches several weeks ago. He both insisted he has a private blueprint for defeating the extremist group and that he would demand a plan from military leaders within 30 days of taking office. “I’ve already said he is really very much of a leader”.

King also asked Trump about Russian President Vladimir Putin’s assertion that the hack was a “public service”, even as he claimed the Russian government was not involved. And for the first time, he opened the door to granting legal status to people living in the USA illegally who join the military.

“I think it’s inarguable that Vladimir Putin has been a stronger leader in his country than Barack Obama has been in this country”, he said. “And I could see myself working that out”. She also pointed out that Mr Trump had once supported the invasion. He replied, “Yeah, I guess so”.

New polls on the race for the White House show Trump with a lead over Clinton, but many experts have backed the former Secretary of State, describing Trump as too unpredictable to gain the responsibilities associated with the role of commander-in-chief. Trump also drew fire for criticising the military.


Trump is the GOP nominee “because he won our nomination fair and square”, Ryan said, repeating his past remarks on Trump.

Donald Trump The People's Choice