
Donald Trump’s Record Month of Fundraising Is Still Less than Clinton’s

Clinton’s campaign had signaled that she would make herself more available to reporters as the November election approaches, and her decision to “gaggle” – as the onboard Q&As are known on the trail – allows her to quickly respond to Trump from 30,000 feet.


“I think it’s probably unlikely”. Clinton, meanwhile, accused Trump of insulting America’s veterans and pressing risky military plans around the globe.

And while Clinton’s super PACs have steadily raised checks of unlimited size and deployed their substantial resources on swing-state television, Trump’s are still sputtering, failing to reel in large checks and ceding television airwaves for much of the summer to Clinton allies.

While deriding Vladimir Putin as a thug and a scoundrel Thursday, many congressional Republicans agreed that Donald Trump was onto something when he called Putin a stronger leader than Barack Obama.

With the campaign now in the final two-month stretch, Clinton was wasting no opportunity to harangue Trump over his missteps, accusing him of having “trash-talked” U.S. generals.

“As soon as I take office, I will ask Congress to fully eliminate the defense sequester and will submit a new budget to rebuild our military”, Trump said at a rally in Philadelphia. “…certainly, in that system, he’s been a leader, far more than our president has been a leader”, Mr. Trump said, comparing Mr. Putin to Mr. Obama. “Some days it’s really hard for me”, she said to laughter.

The reference to voting rights was one of several appeals Clinton made to black voters, who polls show overwhelmingly support her over Republican candidate Donald Trump.

In Ohio, Trump leads Clinton 46%-45% in a new Quinnipiac University poll, while the two candidates are tied with 47% apiece in Florida, another Quinnipiac poll showed. He was asked Wednesday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” what he would do as president about Aleppo, the Syrian city at the center of the refugee crisis, Johnson replied, “And what is Aleppo?”

When he grilled Clinton on the investigation over her private email server, asking a total of five questions on the issue, he mostly used phrases with a negative connotation: “You have said it’s a mistake”. But she defended her support for USA military intervention to help oust a dictator in Libya, despite the chaotic aftermath.

Trump stood by a previous comment that appeared to blame military sexual assaults on men and women serving together, but added he would not seek to remove women from the military.

Fifty-three percent of voters who are now serving or have previously served in the USA military said they would be confident in Trump’s ability to serve as an effective commander-in-chief of the US military, while 47 percent of these voters said No, the NBC News/SurveyMonkey Weekly Election Tracking Poll has found. He did not say he was opposed to the invasion.

To put it mildly, Matt Lauer’s performance during Wednesday night’s Commander-in-Chief Forum on NBC has drawn mixed reviews.


In a Facebook post published on the page Humans of NY on Thursday, Clinton recounted taking a law school admissions test at Harvard University in 1969 and being harassed by male students. Instead he said, “yeah I guess so”.

Opinion writers throw everything they have against Trump