
Long-time suspect confesses to abducting and killing boy in 1989

They were both elected to their positions in the same year and sworn. “He’s taught us how to live, how to love, how to be fair, how to be kind”.


Heinrich also admitted in court Tuesday to abducting and sexually assaulting Scheierl.

Jacob went missing near his home in St Joseph in October 1989. Under suspicion in other child molestation cases, Heinrich agreed to this, and to plead guilty to federal child pornography charges, in exchange for not being prosecuted for other crimes, such as Jacob’s kidnapping and death. A flurry of negotiations began, but nothing was guaranteed until Heinrich signed his plea agreement in court Tuesday and publicly admitted what he did.

New advances in DNA technology provided the opportunity for authorities to retest some evidence – including a sweatshirt worn by a then-12-year-old boy, Jared Scheierl, who was abducted and sexually assaulted in nearby Cold Spring just nine months before Jacob’s abduction. We’re struggling with words at this time.

Heinrich said he feared they would be spotted after hearing police on a scanner in his auto and made Wetterling duck, he said.

Luger said he believes it was the pressure of the federal case that was the reason behind Heinrich’s eventual decision to cooperate and confess. “Perhaps even the assaults that went on in Paynesville”.

Along with the sentence, Heinrich will be required to register as a sex offender and “may never be released again”, the Star Tribune reports, citing the county attorney. Jacob asked him at the time, “What did I do wrong?” according to the AP.

“Patty Wetterling is a woman of unbelievable courage”.

“I said, ‘don’t cry, ‘” Heinrich said. It’s always been about finding Jacob.

“I was thrown into this investigation, not by choice, but because I was a victim”, said Scheierl Tuesday afternoon”.

Heinrich will be sentenced on the child pornography charges November 21 or 22, Minnesota Public Radio reported.

Last week Heinrich led a team of Federal Bureau of Investigation agents and state and county investigators to a pasture near Paynesville where he had reburied Wetterling’s skeletal remains, according to a source with direct knowledge of the search.

“Had we pursued a trial on what we had, you have a trial and you lose you’re done forever”, Kendall said.

“If you would have asked me 25 years ago what my objective in life was, I wouldn’t have had an answer”.


A secret kept for nearly 27 years? “I told Trevor (Jacob’s brother) and Aaron (Jacob’s best friend) to run away, don’t look back or I’ll shoot”.

Sherburne County Sheriff’s Office shows Danny Heinrich of Minnesota