
Hillary Clinton Gets Her Revenge By Fundraising Off Terrible Matt Lauer Performance

Later this month the debates will continue, and voters will learn even more about all of the other ways Trump is not ready to be the president.


Emphasizing the importance of getting at the truth, Fox News Channel on Thursday afternoon had this headline onscreen beneath Trump as he talked about the forum: “Trump: I opposed the Iraq War from the beginning”.

LAUER: “You said you made not the best choice”.

At the NBC “Commander in Chief” forum Wednesday night, Clinton and Trump were separately questioned by anchor Matt Lauer on various national security and foreign policy topics.

Elmets plans to give her his vote.

Clinton lost support among female voters between the polls: her backing among women was 54 percent to 39 percent this month, down from 59 percent to 36 percent in August. And I opposed the reckless way Hillary Clinton took us out, along with President Obama, letting ISIS fill that big, awful void. “You have a fan”, he said.

Trump’s comments came during a televised national security forum where he and Democratic rival Hillary Clinton each fielded 30 minutes of questions about their experience and judgment to be commander in chief.

“The obvious takeaway from these numbers is that Donald Trump has staged a comeback from his post-Democratic convention lows, especially in Pennsylvania and Ohio”, Brown said.

“With Mr. Trump, I was looking for some substance on the issues, and I just didn’t get it”, Haynie said.

The Trump campaign said the total included a “significant contribution” from the Republican nominee himself.

Norman Ornstein, a political commentator, tweeted, “Lauer interrupted Clinton’s answers repeatedly to move on”. At this point it wouldn’t be surprising if a President Trump also declared himself surgeon general, then started wandering into the nation’s operating rooms with a new self-declared mandate to sew four more arms on every patient so that they can be more efficient service workers.

She added that Trump, who has praised Vladimir Putin, would not seek to hamper the Russian president’s actions in Syria but preferred “giving a full carte blanche to Putin to do whatever he seems to want to do, right on Israel’s doorstep”.

“They have been reduced to a point that’s embarrassing for our country”, Trump said at NBC’s “Commander-in-Chief” forum in NY attended by military veterans.

Clinton said defeating ISIS would be her “highest terrorism goal”. Instead he said, “yeah I guess so”.

“I would never comment on any aspect of an intelligence briefing I received”, Clinton, a former secretary of state, said.

“Donald Trump simply didn’t come prepared and he’s not going to be prepared to serve as president and that was abundantly clear”. “And I opposed the reckless way Hillary Clinton took us out”.


Lauer grilled Clinton particularly hard about that email server that has not yet led to the Earth opening up and swallowing us whole, but is somehow the most atrocious act committed by any presidential candidate on the history of this planet, so thanks a lot Colin Powell.

NBC's wasted opportunity The'Commander-in-Chief forum was a complete bust