
Quinnipiac Poll: Clinton 48% Trump 43%

In an email to supporters Thursday, the Clinton campaign faulted the “Today” show co-host for failing to fact-check Donald Trump’s discredited claim that he opposed the Iraq War from the beginning.


Matt Lauer at NBC’s “Commander-in-Chief Forum” on Wednesday in New York City. Trump has a one-point edge in OH that widens to four points when Johnson and Stein are added to the mix.

Mrs Clinton also excoriated Mr Trump for a remark that America’s generals had been “reduced to rubble” in recent years, and his suggestion that he would remove the top brass and replace them with leaders of his choosing. Trump had also said at the NBC forum Wednesday that he welcomes compliments from Putin and praised the Russian leader’s poll numbers. And House Speaker Paul Ryan, RWis., told reporters, “Vladimir Putin is an aggressor who does not share our interests”. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., quipped about Putin.

Republican opponents have no shortage of examples which they say demonstrate that it’s Clinton who expects deferential treatment.

Speaking at a news conference in Laos on Thursday, Obama says he continues to believe Trump isn’t qualified to be president and that “every time he speaks, that opinion is confirmed”. The current average of polls by website RealClearPolitics puts her at 45.6 percent support, compared to Trump’s 42.8 percent.

“I think he is being very smart in how he addresses Putin and you know, maybe he’s playing with Putin’s ego”, said Representative Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee. Aides fear a scenario in which a single misstep by Clinton gets a tougher assessment than repeated mistakes by Trump. “But you should. None of us is ideal”, Clinton said.

Clinton will arrive at the memorial Sunday morning before the annual moment of silence at 8:46 a.m., marking the moment that the first plane struck the skyscraper’s north tower, her spokeswoman Julie Wood told The Associated Press on Friday.

“I think what he said was totally inappropriate and undisciplined”, Clinton said.

JOHN YANG: Last night, a former Naval officer challenged Clinton about her handling of classified material.

Just days after President George W. Bush announced US forces had begun invading Iraq, Trump said in an interview on Fox that the war “looks like a tremendous success from a military standpoint”. “If you are running to be leader of the free world and you find admiration for Putin, well, then, you’re losing me”.

While I agree that Obama has been played by Putin a few times, and has come off looking weak, that will never alter my opinion that Putin is really, really bad and risky guy.

The forum was supposed to function as a sparring match between candidates which allowed them to give more in depth answers about specific topics such as national security and veteran affairs.

Trump’s first debate is September 26, while the sole vice presidential debate will be October 4.


“The effect of the Republican and Democratic conventions on the presidential race has run its course”, said Peter Brown, assistant director of the poll.

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump spoke in Cleveland Thursday