
Warren: Trump is tapping into real anger

“Your big, courageous senator”, Warren said, is trying to “duck and weave” by refusing to disavow Trump. It’s about immigrants, it’s about Mexicans, it’s about women, it’s about everybody else. On Friday, Warren spent a considerable portion of her speech tying Toomey to Trump, “a small, insecure money-grubber who will never be president of the United States”. Because he has higher approval ratings? To underscore the importance of Pennsylvania, Bernie Sanders, the runner-up for the Democratic presidential nomination earlier this year, will appear with McGinty in Pittsburgh next week, his first campaign event for Senate candidates.


The progressive firebrand laid into Trump, hitting him primarily for running a “scam university” in Trump University and mocking him as “Mr”.

Warren said that regardless of Clinton’s past ties to Wall Street, she will work to get money out of politics.

“I’m not as familiar with Katie McGinty, so I’m really interested in hearing what Elizabeth Warren has to say about Katie”, Ma said. “We can whimper, we can whine, or we can fight, and Katie McGinty is fighting back”, she encouraged as the crowd rose to their feet.

The tone of Friday’s event was refreshing, said Julie Hirsch Waxman of Philadelphia, who said she came of age during the women’s rights movement in the 1960s and thinks Clinton’s potential to become the first woman president should be celebrated.

While she can’t vote in November, Siva is urging her American friends to vote for Clinton in hopes a win would get more women to run for office around the world. “Katie McGinty can’t name a single policy difference with Hillary Clinton and has constantly pushed for massive tax increases on the middle class for over two decades”.

When asked if she would work as a watchdog of a Clinton administration, Warren said yes.

Warren claimed education would be her only comment on the subject, but couldn’t resist lighting into Trump over recent pay-for-play allegations swirling around past financial contributions to Florida’s attorney general.

If an agreement is not reached, the government could shut down September 30, a few weeks before the presidential and congressional elections. “Every day that they delay on just letting us get just a clean – stop playing politics – just a clean bill through to fund the research and public health on Zika is another day that the virus takes hold of more people”.


As it happens, just this week the bureau took its strongest enforcement action to date, fining Wells Fargo $100 million for a scheme in which employees opened new accounts for customers, without the customers’ knowledge, in order to meet sales goals and earn bonuses. “It’s not that we need more laws”.
