
‘Isil backs Trump as a president to inspire jihad’, says Hillary

In the same week that he told CNN that it would be “a good idea” for Trump to apologize for his past statements questioning whether President Obama was born in the United States, Carson says Trump should not seek forgiveness for saying Russia’s Vladimir Putin was a better leader than Obama.


Trump, who has faced backlash from both parties in recent days for praising Russian President Vladimir Putin, was interviewed by Larry King, a veteran American journalist whose show airs Thursday evenings on RT America, the US partner of a network originally called Russia Today. The Republican candidate was widely criticized recently when he called her a “co-founder”, along with Obama, of Islamic State.

“I’m not interested in giving aid and comfort to their evil ambitions”, she said.

Obama reacted to Trump on Thursday from Laos.

Critics said he spent too much time on Clinton’s emails, was uneven in his treatment of the two candidates, and neglected to press Trump on inaccurate and controversial claims.

One day after announcing he would expand every aspect of our military, Trump took on another important issue – education – in OH, a state vital for Republicans hoping to call the White House home. “We are not going to let anyone who is an ally and treaty partner of ours to be threatened”, she said.

“Well, I think the dishonesty of the media”.

Wednesday’s forum served as a preview of sorts for Clinton and Trump’s highly-anticipated presidential debates. And last night, Matt Lauer continued that tradition – because I don’t know what the fuck he was doing, and neither did he.

In a poll done by Reuters, about 21 percent of respondents said that they would vote for other candidates, refused to pick, or would not vote at all.

Trump did not directly respond to Clinton’s critique Thursday.

Libertarian Gary Johnson was asked about the city of Aleppo on MSNBC television. But she defended her support for USA military intervention to help oust a dictator in Libya, despite the chaotic aftermath.

A flood of Republican national security experts have instead chosen to back Clinton, helping bolster her case that Trump is broadly unacceptable. That assertion is contradicted by an interview Trump did with Howard Stern in September 2002 in which he was asked whether he supported the invasion. “Maybe he did it with a smile and I guess the RNC would have liked that”.

Noah said that Trump “blatantly lies” and Lauer just moves on to the next question.


But a win for Mrs. Clinton in North Carolina, which backed Mr. Obama in 2008 but Mr. Romney in 2012, could deepen the hole from which Mr. Trump must start his climb.

Hillary Clinton Press Conference