
Trump goes on Kremlin-funded Russian TV station to criticize the US

In 2002 on “The Howard Stern Show”, when prompted if he was for invading Iraq, Trump said “yeah, I guess so”.


The editorial concluded Clinton is a “known quantity” who is the candidate likely to keep the nation safe.

He said in his Cleveland remarks that the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq had left a power void filled by Islamic State militants.

Things improve slightly for Clinton in a straight head-to-head matchup with Trump, but even then the candidates are still tied in Florida, and Trump enjoys a slight lead in Ohio. Asked to square his request for military options with that criticism, Trump said simply: “They’ll probably be different generals”. “But it’s part of the landscape we live in”.

Clinton said the Federal Bureau of Investigation resolved all issues regarding her email and answered all questions. Because of our event, national security has dominated the news cycle for days. Those who remain uncertain include a couple of groups that may play an outsized role in determining the election’s outcome – young voters, many of whom loathe Trump but lack enthusiasm for Clinton, and college-educated suburban Republicans, who often find Trump scary but struggle with the idea of voting for a Democrat, Los Angeles Times reported.

Some of those Republicans will join Clinton on Friday (Saturday NZT) for what she dubbed at “working session” on the threat of terrorism. It seems Trump has numerous press conferences a day and the press is just exhausted of asking him questions.

The poll tested public reaction to several recent critiques raised by the candidates against their opponents, which were highlighted in a presidential forum hosted by NBC last night and on the campaign trail Thursday.

Wednesday’s forum served as a preview of sorts for Clinton and Trump’s highly anticipated debates.

With just half an hour each to lay out their stalls on foreign policy, Clinton found herself forced to spend the first 10 minutes on Wednesday defending her use of a private email server while Secretary of State. But she defended her support for U.S. military intervention to help oust a dictator in Libya, despite the chaotic aftermath.


“We actually do. I’ll leak it to you later”, Pence said. On Thursday, Esquire appended an editor’s note to the piece noting that the Iraq War began in March 2003, more than a year before the article ran, “thus nullifying Trump’s timeline”. He noted that Lauer’s questioning of Donald Trump, which drew fire from Clinton surrogates as well as many in the media for being soft, had made news. He added that Trump was describing a “sense that he got recently that in fact our President had not taken all of the counsel of our military advisers in confronting and defeating ISIS”. He argued: “I opposed going in”. Hillary Clinton’s national lead is down to around 3 points and, as one would expect, the swing states are pretty consistent with the national margin.

Hillary Rolls Eyes Twitter:@charliespiering