
Donald Trump Faces Criticism Over Campaign Contributions To Florida AG

Bondi endorsed Trump and has appeared on the campaign trail alongside him.


“When I want something, I get it”, he said during a January event. I give to everybody. “I call them. They are there for me”.

The Clinton Foundation, on the other hand, earned a rare “A” grade from the independent watchdog group CharityWatch.

“The complaint calls for an investigation into the Foundation for violating the tax code by providing a private benefit to Trump and his business interests and falsely representing its political giving on its tax returns. It’s true.” But, confronted this week with further evidence of his having bribed the Florida attorney general, Pam Bondi, to drop an investigation of his for-profit real estate school, Trump University, Trump has stammered and back-tracked and equivocated. NY accused the so-called university of bilking students who had signed up to learn the billionaire’s money-making secrets. “That’s certainly something we think ought to be investigated”.

The AG also commented on Florida’s impact on the presidential election. The suit is still pending in state court in NY.

“If Donald Trump has proven anything over the past three years, it’s that he’ll do anything to pursue his freaky but predictable vendetta against this office”, Eric Soufer said.

It’s also possible Trump just happened to see her while watching Fox News September 17?

The contribution came as Bondi was deciding whether to investigate allegations of fraud against Trump University. Bondi’s attorney general’s office never pursued the case.

“I was a businessman”, he said in an August 2015 Republican debate.

Trump’s staffers have said that the gift to Bondi’s political group should not have been made by the Trump Foundation.

“Mr. Trump paid the fine”, Hicks told AP. NPR’s Scott Horsley explains. Maybe one Donald J. Trump was listening.

“When they call, I give”.

HORSLEY: Those words are hanging over Trump this week as he fields questions about a 3-year-old campaign contribution he made to a fundraising committee for Florida’s attorney general. And for anyone who thought money given to the Trump Foundation went to help someone in need? And in NY state, it is illegal to call anything that’s isn’t actually a university, a university. “That was pretty amusing considering that the three major evaluators of foundations gave it the highest grade they could give”, Clinton said to a hot and crowded gymnasium here. Eric T. Schneiderman, the New York AG, filed suit in 2013 against Trump University and said that the school “misrepresented” and “bilked students” of thousands of dollars.

PAM BONDI: Of course I asked Donald Trump for a contribution, that’s not what this is about. “Never spoken to her about it, never”, the candidate said Monday while campaigning in Ohio.


Abbott, whose office considered a lawsuit against Trump University before the company left Texas in 2010, is now supporting Trump – who donated $35,000 to Abbott’s successful 2014 gubernatorial campaign. Never. Many of the AGs turned that case down because I’ll win that case in court, many turned that down. Instead, it include a false listing, showing that the foundation had instead given $25,000 gift to a Kansas nonprofit with a name similar to Bondi’s political group.

Donald Trump is a scammer, says Hillary Clinton