
Just a few weeks’ of Zika funding remain — CDC Director

MIAMI BEACH, Fla. (AP) – Aerial insecticide spraying to combat mosquitoes carrying the Zika virus is underway in Miami Beach.


The spraying had been delayed a day after anxious and angry residents complained to city officials and organized a small protest outside City Hall.

Last month, the CDC advised pregnant women not to travel to an area of Miami Beach limited to 1½ square miles.

An aerial Naled spray in a SC town earlier this month killed millions of bees nearly immediately. “This schedule will minimize disruption to our school children and families, ‘ he said in a statement”.

Twelve new cases of locally transmitted Zika virus infection were yesterday detected in Singapore. The forum came a day after a woman who had tested positive for the Zika virus gave birth to a baby with microcephaly at Jackson Memorial Hospital, reports CNN. Other, less obvious, damage has been seen, also.

Some emergency funds from the Department of Health and Human Services and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have been released, but the amount needed is not enough and not soon enough to stop the spread so far.

Across the Gulf of Mexico, New Orleans has prepared a Condensed Zika Virus Plan that defines how that city is monitoring and controling mosquitoes in their work to minimize an emerging Zika public health threat.

Planes completed aerial spraying for mosquitoes carrying the Zika virus early Friday in the Miami area, despite concerns over possible effects that the insecticide Naled may have on health and the environment.

In fact, the opposite is true. That person infected his or her partner when they had sex.

SC beekeeper Juanita Stanley recently lost more than 3 million bees when Summerville officials aerially sprayed a small area of the town for Zika-carrying mosquitoes.

“We don’t know what congenital Zika syndrome will look like”, Frieden said.


“What we have seen is a very dramatic reduction in populations of the Aedes mosquitos there”, Frieden said.

New Tampa Bay Zika Case Confirmed