
FBI managers instructed to exonerate Hillary Clinton

“After her private server was revealed last March, her staff deleted all the emails and wiped it clean using a software created to prevent any recovery, called BleachBit”, he said.


The former secretary of state also repeated “it was a mistake” to have used a personal email account while leading the department, and that she would “certainly not do it again”.

I will try not to bother you with this any longer. Yet, because Americans were gearing up for Labor Day, more likely than not they didn’t hear about how Clinton didn’t know the “C” meant classified, or how she had over a dozen devices she used to send emails, or how her staff destroyed those devices with a hammer. Clinton assured Lester that when she saw classified documents that carried headers indicating their status, “I did exactly what I should have done, and I take it very seriously, always have, always will”.

Clinton on Wednesday night repeated that the Department of Justice found no evidence that her email had been hacked and that she did not knowingly send classified information over her private email.

In short, the summaries undermine – again – many excuses Clinton has offered for an arrangement that jeopardized the US government’s secrets. She said she thought the practice went back “200 years”. Some emails now made public actually show Clinton’s team discussing how they couldn’t email each other classified information over the private server and instead had to move the conversation to a more appropriate venue. In that same interview, Clinton falsely implied that retroactive classification accounts for any classified material in her email and passed the buck to “over 300 people” with whom she communicated by email, saying she relied on their judgments about the propriety of the conversations she had with them.

When Congress started asking questions about the agency’s lack of emails related to Benghazi, Clinton’s staff and employees of the tech firm tapped to manage her network scrubbed official records from the server system. Really? She also couldn’t recall how a document gets marked classified.

A Clinton campaign aide has told Reuters that she brought up the concussion to explain, in part, why she was not working full days following her injury – and claimed she was not saying she had suffered from memory loss. Mills then instructed an unidentified person to modify the email retention policy on Clinton’s email address to reflect the change. “But after a March 25 conference call with Clinton’s lawyers, an employee for the company had what he called an “‘oh s-‘ moment”, realizing he hadn’t carried out the instructions from three months earlier to delete the older email records. By that time, both Chaffetz’s committee and the special committee investigating the Benghazi attacks had called for the emails to be preserved, Chaffetz said.

But the sparse evidence laid out in Chaffetz’ letters – highlighting a March 2015 phone discussion between the tech firm and Clinton lawyers that Federal Bureau of Investigation agents were unable to detail – also shows the uphill climb the committee faces in turning up any significant new information beyond what the Federal Bureau of Investigation already learned in its inquiry.

“FBI looked at a lot of things”, McCarthy said. Is James Comey their latest victim?


If you find you can’t vote for Trump, remember there will be other choices on the ballot. That was a bit iffy, since the statute governing mishandling of classified information doesn’t require intent.

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