
Q poll Florida: Trump and Clinton tied

Far more than our president has been a leader. Trump has often expressed admiration for Putin’s leadership, describing him as strong and resolute in contrast to Obama, whom he has painted as a weak and ineffective leader. Florida’s Latinos, who make up about 15 percent of the state’s registered voters, are generally more conservative than the national Latino electorate, largely due to the sizeable and conservative-leaning Cuban population.


But despite his campaign and joint political committees’ best effort, it was still 40% less than the record-busting $143 million haul Hillary Clinton and her allied committees’ pulled off, according to CNN. “I said it’s going to totally destabilize the Middle East, which it has”.

“It’s just, I don’t know, I don’t see why she thinks this is good for her, but I think it just shows, you know, you can just sort of see a person at the end of the day, what they’re like”. I have already said, he is really very much of a leader.

Trump has opened up a 4-point lead over Clinton in Quinnipiac University’s latest poll release today, 41 percent to 37 percent, in a four-way race.

Clinton announced that said she will convene a bipartisan meeting of national security leaders on Friday.

Trump’s speech on Friday comes after the candidate took the unusual step of criticising U.S. policy in a program aired on Thursday night on Russian government-funded television news network, RT.

Clinton has said her experience in government as secretary of state and a US senator makes her uniquely qualified for the White House, and that Trump’s series of controversial comments makes him temperamentally unfit for the office.

Trump on Wednesday night said he was “shocked” by the information he received during the briefings, claiming he learned that leading Democrats “did exactly the opposite” of what experts recommended in several instances.

Clinton hit Trump on Thursday as “someone who has insulted Muslims, insulted a gold star family. someone who has said he doesn’t want to let Muslims from around the world come to our country”.

And so, in a press conference that lasted less than 20 minutes, Clinton achieved exactly what she set out to do: End the criticisms that she had gone the entire year without a press conference, and move the narrative beyond Thursday night’s forum.


“Her tenure has brought us only war and destruction and death”, Trump said.

Hillary Clinton