
Bill Day’s latest: Jimmy Carter’s heartbreaking cancer diagnosis

Jimmy Carter (the president) announced this week he had undergone surgery to remove a small mass from his liver, and would provide more information on his condition soon.


What’s next for Jimmy Carter depends on how widely his cancer has spread and where, and how aggressively the 90-year-old former president wants to fight it.

The news conference is scheduled to begin at 10 a.m. local time and last for approximately 45 minutes, according to the media advisory.

“The process usually starts with imaging – Connecticut scans or PET scans or ultrasound – to try to get a sense of how extensive the cancer is, what organs are involved”, said Dr. Efrat Dotan, a gastrointestinal cancer specialist at Fox Chase Cancer Center in Philadelphia.

Moreover, the 38th President of the U.S. recent major operation at Emory University Hospital in Atlanta was a success.

Republican Georgia Governor Nathan Deal and his wife issued a statement saying Carter was “in their prayers as he goes through treatment”. A 90-year-old patient can not tolerate the same treatment that a cancer patient in their 50s or 60s can. “Throughout his many years of Christian service, President Carter has taught us much about having resilient faith in the midst of life’s trials and challenges”, the statement said.

The best years of his career came at Millwall, where he scored 11 times in 110 league games.

An Emory spokesman declined comment Wednesday.

There are few things Jimmy Carter has not accomplished since leaving Washington D.C.


President Barack Obama was among those who voiced support for Carter after the announcement, wishing him a “fast and full recovery”. “The only difference between me and my father and my siblings was that I never smoked a cigarette”, said Carter, former governor of Georgia and a state senator. He was awarded with a Nobel Peace Prize in 2002 “for his decades of untiring effort to find peaceful solutions to global conflicts, to advance democracy and human rights and to promote economic and social development”.

Former President Jimmy Carter reveals he has cancer