
Scott Walker Agrees With Donald Trump on Ending Birthright Immigration

Trump’s hard-line immigration policy could prove risky for a Republican Party desperately trying to court – or at least not offend – Latino voters.


Students are allowed to travel to the USA and work there legally for up to four months.

Real estate mogul Donald Trump has hit a plateau of about 25 percent, but still enjoys a wide lead over competitors in the 17-person contest for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination, according to the latest CNN-ORC national poll.

New Jersey Governor and GOP Presidential Candidate Chris Christie says Trump’s Mexico-funded border wall “makes no sense”.

Walker’s campaign followed up with the following clarification: “We have to enforce the laws, keep people from coming here, enforce e-verify to stop the jobs magnet, and by addressing the root problems we will end the birthright citizenship problem”.

Donald Trump turned the political spotlight to specifics on immigration reform after releasing a policy paper and giving some details on NBC’s Meet The Press.

Trump’s representatives say the fine was waived and that the prior summonses had been sent to a wrong address.

Tea party movement co-founder Mark Meckler said Trump’s “position on deportation generally reflects what likely voters think“.

Both Ohio Gov. John Kasich and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush have previously suggested they could support some type of legalization for immigrants who entered the country illegally but are now working as law-abiding members of society.

And the swing of support to Trump’s campaign was incredible. Among the topics of conversation: His Scottish mother, whom he said would never have believed he would one day lead the pack of Republican presidential hopefuls; also, Tom Brady’s golf game (“He has a swing like Ernie Els”, Trump said).

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Trump received 19 percent in a July CNN poll, four points ahead of Bush.

The DREAMers program, which the Obama administration has implemented for illegal children brought to the US, should be rescinded, he said, adding that “we have to make a whole new set of standards” for immigrants.

It’s also worth nothing that Trump’s supporters are totally in love with him, as he has a 98 percent favorability rating among that group.

Most other GOP candidates also back completing the border wall but differ over how to treat immigrant families already living in the U.S.


There was so much focus on Trump that prospective jurors failed to notice another well-known person in the room – Bobby Moynihan, a cast member on “Saturday Night Live” since 2008.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump leaves the courthouse after serving on jury duty in New York Monday Aug. 17 2015. The Republican presidential candidate reported for jury duty in Manhattan on Monday and spent much of the day like everyone