
Kasich: ‘I don’t read a Bible to figure out what I think’

“When people say, ‘What about these other candidates?…I do want to thank Donald Trump because he got 24 million people to watch the debate“. “I’m sort of into letting people know what I’m for…and I expect to win this one as well but with a message that’s bigger, not one that’s smaller”.


The state of Ohio acted legally in withholding records documenting threats against Republican Gov. John Kasich from a political blogger who requested them, the Ohio Supreme Court said Wednesday, August 27, 2014. “Our country needs an innovative, idea-driven leader who has actually balanced the federal budget – Governor Kasich’s done it. He also understands the complexities of our foreign policy, the challenges facing our military and will fight to strengthen our standing in the world”.

“I think Republicans allowed themselves to be put in a box”, he said on CNN’s “State of the Union“. “If they violate this, or if the security interests of the U.S. or our friends, particularly Israel, is in jeopardy then the accord would mean nothing to me”, he proclaimed.

Kasich told the crowd of his start in politics which involved a letter to President Nixon and a visit to the Oval Office and Kasich said he feels “an obligation” to use his God-given skills in the political realm. “To me, conservatism is giving everybody a chance to be successful”. He said that exceptions to banning abortions for rape, incest, and the life of the mother are “reasonable”, and that “we focus too much on this one issue”. Early childhood. Infant mortality. “You need to squeeze Iran, but we’re giving them permission to develop things and also freeing up their economy so they can help groups like Hamas and Hezbollah”, Kasich said in an interview with Fox News’ “O’Reilly Factor” program Monday night. “Because as you begin to do it, that whole caliphate begins to fall apart in my judgment”, he said.

On Sunday, Kasich said the United States “should’ve left a base in Iraq” instead of withdrawing troops in 2011. “He is perhaps going to be the Democratic leader in the Senate, and his opposition to the Iranian deal, I believe has taken great courage”, he said.


“I think the country can unite around that”, he said. There’s something wrong with you.

Kasich: 'I don't read a Bible to figure out what I think'