
Trump’s immigration proposal divides GOP presidential field

Trump leads his Republican rivals in national polls, and his proposal quickly reverberated within the party, which has struggled with the issue of immigration. Among the Republican-focused questions, the poll surveyed 466 registered voters who identified as Republican or leaning Republican, with a margin of error of plus or minus 4.5 percentage points. An opinion piece by a member of the USA Today board of contributors – a piece published online by CNN – calls Trump’s plan “clueless”, adding that “his ideas are impractical at best and at worst inhumane”. “Of developed countries other than the United States, only Canada has birthright citizenship“, he wrote back in May.


Leaving the court at the end of the day, Trump said: “It was an fantastic time”.

Most other Republican candidates also back completing the border wall but differ over how to treat immigrant families already living in the U.S. illegally.

Trump, the front-runner in a crowded Republican field, appeared in Manhattan Supreme Court to join fellow New Yorkers to possibly be selected to cast a verdict in a trial. “There’s practical things that we can do to reduce the flow of illegal immigrants, which clearly is important to do”.

Chris Christie: “I think all this stuff needs to be reexamined in light of the current circumstances”, he told Laura Ingraham this month.

Mr Trump polled 36 per cent favourable to 59 per cent unfavourable, figures which were very similar to those of Bush, the former Florida governor and the son and brother of two presidents.

The combative governor strongly attacked Donald Trump’s big plan to construct a wall on the border to halt illegal immigration and have Mexico pay to build it.

Here you can also see the gains for Carly Fiorina and Ben Carson that we discussed previously – and declines for Scott Walker and Jeb Bush.

“You can’t get too wrapped up in the poll numbers.”, Ferguson said. But he had been silent on the issue of birthright citizenship, until now.

CNN asked respondents, regardless of whom they plan to vote for, which GOP candidate they thought could best handle the economy and illegal immigration. “For the bulk of them, they are God-fearing, good, hardworking people, and they are a part of our country now”. “Crucially, this plan includes an emphasis on lifting struggling minority communities, including our immigrant communities, out of poverty, by preventing corporations from bringing in new workers from overseas to replace them and drive down wages”.


Kasich, who was a proponent of ending birthright citizenship when he was on Congress, has changed his mind on the concept.

What's In Donald Trump's Immigration Plan And How It Could Affect The GOP