
Iowa State Fairgoers Hear from Republican Ben Carson

“In a speech at the Iowa State Fair, Sunday afternoon, GOP presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson blamed both Republicans and Democrats for the runaway debt, which he said is in the process of destroying the future for the next generation”.


Carson, 63, told fair-goers he would be in a position to bring new and unifying ideas to Washington, D.C., to revive the economy, rejuvenate the nation’s spirit and tackle the massive debt that threatens to plunge the nation into a crisis worse than the Depression era.

DES MOINES | According to the man himself, under President Lindsey Graham the U.S. will commit ground troops to fight terrorists in the Middle East, Republicans will work with Democrats on entitlement reform and “we’re going to drink more”.

The Republican candidate, however, said that he would allow 10 years for the policy to take effect.

Carson said the country’s fiscal problems like overspending are problems Americans can solve.

“A lot of politicians don’t talk about religion, but he does”, Bleskacek said.

“(As) the governor of Iowa, I think it can’t get any better than this”, Branstad says.

“I don’t want a ten-year war”, Pataki said. “I’m going to change Washington and reduce its power”. Do they know that our Pledge of Allegiance to our flag says that we are “one nation under God…”

The former pediatric neurosurgeon said that after spending his professional career looking out for the welfare of children, he was looking forward to retirement, but couldn’t, knowing what was going to happen to their future if we continue down the same route. “Today, ISIS poses as a large a threat if not greater to America, not just cities like New York, but communities across America, and we have got to stand up and defeat radical Islam over there before they can attack us here”.

Pataki vowed he would provide military aid to the Kurds and increase U.S. bombing campaigns against ISIS upon becoming president.


“You never hear politicians talking about this”, he noted. Ask them how are they going to do it?

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