
Trump criticizes USA policy on Russian televisin

Just remember: “friends don’t let friends vote for Trump”.


As the United States election draws ever nearer, the put-downs are becoming ever stronger.

The Trump campaign recently lifted a ban on various news outlets, including The Washington Post, which he accused of bias in its coverage.

Trump said the recent harassment of a U.S. Navy ships by Iranian patrol bots in the central Arabian Gulf wouldn’t happen on his watch. The alt-right movement, while it has been very noisy and many have said they do support Donald Trump, it is not necessarily a group that’s large enough to give you close to 50% in some of these national polls. “I think at their very core, both men are the kind of leaders that have a core of humility”, Pence said.

Retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn – one of Trump’s closest advisers – received payment to deliver a speech at an RT party previous year, where he sat next to Putin.

Compounding the impact of Trump’s remarks, Trump called in Thursday for an interview with Larry King on RT America, a television network funded and overseen by the Russian government, widely regarded as a propaganda tool. Asked by King if he agreed with Putin’s assessment, Trump declined to pass judgment. Even the GOP insiders who had once written off Trump and wanted to focus on saving the Senate are now coming around to the realization that The Donald may just pull this thing off.

Conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt suggested Trump open each speech by asking his crowds, “So, which half of you are in the #basketofdeplorables?”

Multiple reports have characterized US intelligence as having a high level of certainty that Russian intelligence was responsible for the hacks.

She also clarified Trump’s comments on Putin the day before, in which Trump called Putin a stronger leader than Obama in his country.

“The problem is: Hillary Clinton is trigger-happy”. “How does she craft an agenda in the first 100 days that signals to the people who were Trump voters that she understands the challenges they face and that she’s going to do something about it? They are Americans and they deserve your respect”, he added, prompting a standing ovation from the crowd. It is also part of a national cable advertising campaign. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. “After that, they could use a civics lesson”.

The number of states projected for Clinton has dropped over the past few weeks.

“Have they fulfilled their obligations to us?” Electing Trump as our Commander-in-Chief would not simply undo the progress we have made, it would create a lifetime of challenges for generations of veterans in desperate need of real and lasting solutions, and be a disgusting disservice to our military personnel and veterans.

Those comments sent shockwaves, suggesting comfort with a weaker North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, which could empower Russian Federation to encroach into Eastern European states beyond its borders.

“Estonia is in the suburbs of St. Petersburg”. Only time will tell if this tactic is successful. I’m not sure. You tell me. We have two months to go, and I think it’s going to be a competitive race all the way through.

The comment was reminiscent of Trump’s January description of the loyalty of his supporters. He said that any talk of Trump having a ground game is “fantasy” because Trump has yet to build a campaign structure anything like Clinton’s.

Even some Democrats noted the political opportunity Clinton had given Republicans.

“They fight for every cause for the world’s worst actors”, Romney said.


“He believes President Obama was born here…” Now, he watches in disbelief as the party’s nominee sends a dramatically different message.

GOP chairman: Trump is wrong on Putin