
Black businessman says Trump has more support than he realizes

With a smaller share of younger Americans identifying as Republicans combined with a fractured national party and a divisive Presidential candidate the aftereffects of Election Night 2016 may require a swift and strategic recovery for the GOP and their tactics for appealing to young voters in national elections.


Clinton’s campaign has been active in OH for months and said it has more than three dozen field offices across the state with more to come, compared with the 16 regional office locations that Trump’s campaign announced opening on August 12. Ryan spokesman Zack Roday says Pence agreed to speak to them next Tuesday. Clinton, who has been in intensive study sessions with her debate team in recent days, is sure to face higher expectations from voters. Trump declared “our country is going to hell” because of policies she would make even worse. The number grew to 28 percent in 2012. The margin of sampling error for all respondents is plus or minus 3.9 percentage points.

This year, the N.C. race is close again.

Similar to Carter’s Rose Garden strategy in 1980, Clinton hasn’t been campaigning as actively as Trump. The next president will be sworn in on January 20. “African-Americans have grumbled quietly for decades about our votes being taken for granted by Democrats, with us giving them 90 percent of our votes and getting 1 percent of the results that we need”.

This, among other reasons, is why Trump most likely will not be the next president of the United States.

I don’t know. But quite apart from anything Trump is doing, Hispanics view Hillary Clinton less favorably than they did earlier this year.

Like most voters, numerous women interviewed last week outside grocery stores, libraries, restaurants and specialty shops in southeast Charlotte are not happy with the choice this year. She has done nothing to consolidate the “bounce” she enjoyed after her convention, because she has very little new to say.

In 2012, Norton voted for Romney. Clinton critics who responded to the survey called her arrogant, shady, unethical, dishonest and a liar.

Norton wishes the candidates would cease their polarizing rhetoric and talk more about how leaders in Washington can work together to solve problems.

Earlier this week, another black minister, Mark Burns, a Trump surrogate from SC, set of a new round of condemnation when he tweeted a cartoon of Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton in blackface: “Black Americans, THANK YOU FOR YOUR VOTES and letting me use you again”. Peña Nieto told reporters later that he declared to Trump at the get-go that Mexico would not pay for the wall, and Trump said that issue would be discussed “at a later date”. He’s a loose cannon. Seven percent supported Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson, and two percent supported Jill Stein of the Green Party.

Clinton is even further behind in Iowa, with sixty-two percent of voters seeing her as unfavorable, with Trump coming in at 58 percent. She responded, “I think we’re up to 89, but who’s counting?”

Clinton’s campaign says the first lady will rally voters behind the former secretary of state during a September 16 event in Northern Virginia.

Daphne Goggins, a Republican leader of Philadelphia’s poverty-ridden 16th Ward, seemed to recall a potentially explosive comment from Trump after a mid-afternoon roundtable with black civic, religious and business leaders. The US now has a federal corporate tax rate of 35 per cent, the highest in the OECD. According to the Pew Research Center, 39 percent of Americans now self-identify as Independents, 32 percent as Democrats and 23 percent as Republicans. He is expected to visit a church with a predominantly black congregation while there. He won less than a third of white non-Catholic Christians.

Trump does have some fans among the women interviewed last week. The Rev. Mark Burns, one of Trump’s top African-American backers, recently distributed a cartoon depicting Clinton in blackface. “And he loves America”.

I don’t find the “blame immigrants” argument convincing. He said contributors to the Clinton Foundation got favorable treatment from the state department under Clinton, which her campaign denies. Trump says he’ll extend a huge wall across the vast majority of the 2,100-mile border, which would be a major construction feat costing billions of dollars.

If Trump can reshape the race, he’ll need to do so quickly. She saluted Trump because “he stands for traditional values and he wants to put God back in the country”.

Donald Trump heads into the Labor Day weekend trailing his Hillary Clinton both nationally and in some of the most crucial states.

Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., facing a competitive re-election fight, unveiled a video this week promising to “act as a check, not a rubber stamp”, if Clinton wins the White House.

“Sometimes we’re not voting for someone, we’re voting against someone”, she said.

On Friday, the FBI released notes from its investigation of her email use as secretary of state.

Avoiding such insults is a place for Trump to start. “I can’t believe some of the things that come out of his mouth”.

The competing appearances last month highlight an oft-overlooked political reality: The “religious vote” is vast and complex, and it extends beyond generalizations about “social conservatives” who side with Republicans and black Protestant churches whose pastors and parishioners opt almost unanimously for Democrats.

But she ended the day – and began it – as a Trump booster. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., for president.

Democrats have pounded Trump on national security and aggressively warned voters that he lacks the temperament to control the world’s most powerful military.

“We’re very much on schedule to do what we need to do to turn out the vote for Mr. Trump”, said Bob Paduchik, Trump’s OH state director and one of the most experienced operatives on the Republican’s staff. Paduchik said Trump’s efforts heading into the fall are focused primarily on rallying “disaffected Democrats and independents”. “I mean, it’s going to depend on the person”, Giuliani said. “It’s helped a lot of people”. Clinton would offer a pathway to citizenship for most immigrants regardless of how they arrived, continue to defer enforcement action against families, and offer health care options to immigrants here illegally. Trump also will allow federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents to do their jobs and deport illegal immigrants with criminal records. I don’t doubt that he has friends who happen to be black or black employees with whom he is cordial, if not friendly.


Then there’s Sara Smith, 33, an unaffiliated voter who lives in Ballantyne. Interviewed last week just outside the South County Library branch on Rea Road, Smith – a mother, writer and student – said she plans to vote for Clinton this November.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump meets with Shagla