
Trump unveils plan to boost military spending

At one point, making a reference to 2012 Benghazi attack, Trump said “She made a bad mistake in Libya”, which was immediately responded by Clinton in words: “We made the world safer” by not allowing a civil war in Libya.


Clinton was pressed, yet again, over her use of a private email server at the State Department and had to explain her 2002 vote to authorize the Iraq War.

Speaking at a televised national security forum, Clinton also defended her support for us military intervention in Libya, despite the chaos that has consumed that country since then.

“But I have no faith in Hillary Clinton or the leadership”.

Lauer, who moderated NBC’s Commander-in-Chief Forum on Wednesday, has been slammed for being too soft on Donald Trump while hammering Hillary Clinton about her email scandal.

Clinton vowed not to send USA ground troops to fight IS in Iraq or Syria, while highlighting her national security experience compared to Trump’s unpredictability in the face of the terrorism threat.

Mr Trump, who has struggled at times to demonstrate a command of foreign policy, also seemed to acknowledge he does not now have a plan to address cyber security or the Islamic State group. He both insisted he has a private blueprint for defeating the extremist group and that he would demand a plan from military leaders within 30 days of taking office.

Lauer asked Mr Trump whether he would ask the same generals to devise an IS plan as those he had previously criticised for knowing less than him about the militant group.

The Republican nominee also stood behind a 2013 tweet in which he raised the idea of separating men and women in the military to reduce sexual assaults. And for the first time, he opened the door to granting legal status to people living in the US illegally who join the military. “Look, I have a very substantial chance of winning”, Trump said. “I could see myself working that”.

The site further reported that the members of ISIS were also watching the forum even though they have already made it clear that they have chosen Trump over Clinton.

Clinton said she regretted her decision as a U.S. senator from NY to vote in favor of the much-criticized 2003 Iraq war and that Trump had been in favor of it as well. Gilbert said some will hold their nose and vote for Trump, while others will either vote for a third-party candidate, pass over the presidential race and vote for Republicans down the ballot, or stay at home altogether.

Trump has made no secret of his admiration for Putin, who past year praised the USA businessman as “very outstanding”.

Trump also drew fire for criticizing the military.

Clinton said on Thursday she would convene a meeting of bipartisan security experts on Friday to discuss the fight against Islamic State militants. Earlier Wednesday, former Defense Secretary William Cohen joined the list of GOP officials supporting Clinton.

The televised “Commander-in-Chief” forum on Wednesday, attended by military veterans, was the first time Trump and Clinton had squared off on the same stage since accepting their parties’ White House nominations in July, although they did not appear at the same time.


Fifteen years after the 9/11 attacks, Americans are increasingly anxious that terrorists will strike in the days around the anniversary, and they are more likely than five years ago to feel fear and anger when they think about what happened that day, according to a new CNN/ORC Poll.

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