
John Oliver starts a church to preach against televangelists and their shady

If John Oliver’s blistering, investigative, commercial-free journalistic smackdowns have ever felt like church – you’re not wrong.


The stunt, which came at the end of a 20-minute dissertation on the disturbing ways in which televangelists extract “seed” money from their faithful followers, is clearly reminiscent of Colbert Super PAC, the 501(c)(4) organization set up Stephen Colbert to test the absurd limits of the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision.

The televangelist preacher in question is Robert Tilton, who, as it turns out, has been unknowingly participating in a seven-month correspondence with someone who exposes frauds on HBO.

“It’s like having a pen pal whose in deep with some loan sharks”, said Oliver, revealing how the process worked. Bonnie believed that her best chance of being healed from cancer was to donate to Kenneth Copeland’s church, rather than seek medical treatment.


“John Oliver’s Founds Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Exemption” is categorized as “life and leisure”. The “Mega Reverend and CEO” is joined by his wife, Wonder Jo Oliver (Rachel Dratch), and asks his audience congregation to send him money. He even urged viewers to call his toll-free number: 1-800-THIS-IS-LEGAL. Callers are greeted with a recording of Oliver asking them to send money to a P.O. Box in New York. “Go find it, it’s definitely down there, ‘” Oliver said. “If you send us money, you will be greeted by many miracles”, says Oliver, before giving a disclaimer to the miracles. It is comedy, but that the Our Lady of Perpetual Exemption is a real thing, showing that anything is possible under current law. “From that day forward, he has been dedicated to collecting copious donations and all manner of divine blessings, but mostly the donations”.

John Oliver arrives for the TIME 100 Gala in New York