
‘Essentially out of money’ to fight Zika, says CDC Director

AAP will use these funds to provide technical assistance and education, including tele-consultation, to clinicians at community health centers and other health care sites in the United States and its territories, including Puerto Rico and South Florida, providing care to children who are or may be impacted by Zika virus.


Zika is spreading more widely in the US and cannot only cause microcephaly – in which babies are born with grave brain defects – but other problems that the country will face for decades.

When money is available to municipalities, Greer said, those departments often don’t get a big slice: “It’s easy to see how a local government might say we’re going to fix the potholes or we’re going to hire police sooner than saying we’re going to hire an epidemiologist or we’re going to start trying to build up our vector control capacities”.

Much like the first three positive mosquito samples announced earlier this month, this sample was collected in Miami Beach.

CG also said, “If we don’t have insects, then we actually don’t have birds”.

“The main thing the politicians have to do right now is get re-elected”, he said.

Aerial spraying is expected to continue in the city Sunday morning.

Zika is spreading more widely in the US and cannot only cause microcephaly – in which babies are born with grave brain defects – but other problems that the country will face for decades.

“I feel it should be ‘you need to go inside for an hour, ‘” Chapman said.

Health Secretary Karen Murphy said Thursday a state resident contracted the disease while traveling in an area where the virus is being transmitted.

The US has used Naled since the 1950s, and sprays it on about 16 million acres nationwide annually.

Clifton so far has tested 150 pools of trapped Aedes aegypti in Collier, with 20 to 30 of the pesty bugs in each pool, and none have tested positive for Zika.

Mosquitoes, sexual contact with someone infected and contact with infected blood can transmit the virus to humans.

A recent innovation of a safe mosquito trap called Green Strike, developed by researchers from the University of Waterloo is making its mark as a green weapon against the pests, according to reports.

Frieden said Congress’ lack of action to approve more Zika funding has hampered research into the virus and production of new tests for it, the news service said. The second best precaution is using mosquito repellent that contains DEET and covering exposed skin.


Dozens of pregnant women in Florida have now been infected with the Zika virus. The CDC is advising that pregnant women avoid traveling to those areas of Miami where infections are occurring to reduce their risk of contracting Zika.

Research associate Lee of A*STAR's Experimental Therapeutics Centre prepares a reaction mix to be tested with the Zika virus diagnostic test kit at their laboratory in Singapore