
Watch as professional dancer and eight groomsmen surprise bride with

This is what happens when two professional dancers get married.


With professional dancers as newlyweds and a theatre as their wedding venue, the first dance of Kirk Henning and his bride Valerie Tellmann-Henning always promised to be pretty special.

In the last number of years, it seems not a week goes by without a new viral video from a wedding – usually of an intricate dance routine that surprised at least one member of the wedding party.

She is a ballerina with the Richmond Ballet.

He said: “I knew how important it was to her. So I figured, we’re going to do this or die trying”.

They opened up with “Uptown Funk“. It included other songs like Britney Spears’ “You Drive Me Crazy” and “Brad Paisley’s “The World“.

Valerie, a dancer for the Richmond Ballet, clearly had no idea what her hubby planned, watching on with awe and amusement as her man and his best buddies wiggled their hips for her entertainment.

The video, which was posted to YouTube on August 11, has already been watched 294,000 times.


Three months ago the couple spoke about their 10 plus years journey toward marriage.

Groom Surprise Dance