
Giuliani on taking Iraqi oil: ‘Of course it’s legal’

But he said leave a force back there in take it.


“That’s not legal, is it?” the host asked.

Giuliani’s remarks follow a string of dismissals of worldwide law by Trump, who last week suggested the USA should have seized Iraqi oil deposits for its own profit.

“You know, it used to be to the victor belong the spoils”, Trump said. I believe the United States government is committed to that and it’s going to require us here in America to go about our way of life and not have them imperil it. (END VIDEO CLIP) STEPHANOPOU. There was no victor.

Well, no, he said take it so that the Islamic State then would not have had it available.

According to experts, Trump’s proposal would violate the fourth Geneva Convention, as well as other laws that prohibit pillaging. “It’s a war”, Giuliani said. “It depends on who does it”.

He argued that what Trump really meant was that the USA should oversee distribution of the oil (yeah, um, no), and that’s something we should have done a long time ago. “He hasn’t said we should take it for ourselves, necessarily”, he said. “They wouldn’t exist”, he said, referring to the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. First of all, if that oil wasn’t there, we wouldn’t have the Islamic State.

He later said the comment was “sarcastic, but not that sarcastic”.


Mr. Giuliani said the oil is what makes the jihadist Islamic State “so rich”, though he tried to reel in the idea that US forces would be plundering natural resources from Iraq. “If we held that oil and made sure it was equitably distributed throughout Iraq”. That would’ve been the reason I would’ve done it.

Trump Surrogate Rudy Giuliani