
Hillary Clinton Regrets Saying ‘Half’ Of Donald Trump Backers ‘Deplorables’

Clinton’s comments on Trump were in response to a question asking whether, if elected, she will use the phrase “war on radical Islam”, unlike the Obama administration.


She said she was “grossly generalistic” in her remarks at the LGBT fundraiser in New York Friday and, she added, “that’s never a good idea”.

But some Twitter users agreed with Clinton, referencing remarks by Trump that have been called racist, such as when he described some Mexican immigrants drug dealers and rapists.

Speaking at an evening fundraiser in NY, the former U.S. secretary of state said Trump had given voice to hateful rhetoric from such individuals through his behaviour as a candidate for the White House. “And he has lifted them up”, she added.

US Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton arrives at the airport following a campaign Voter Registration Rally at the University of South Florida in Tampa, Florida September 6, 2016. Trump tweeted Saturday morning.

So Democrats close to Clinton were furious Saturday that her comments were seen as controversial. “We will never stop calling out Trump’s bigotry and racist rhetoric, because we know our country is better than this”.

Clinton has not let the media attend many fundraisers, but a group of journalists was given access to Friday night’s event to hear her.

She listed a series of controversial moments from Trump’s campaign, including his fight with a Muslim Gold Star family, criticism of a federal U.S. judge of Mexican heritage and his insinuation that Obama wasn’t born in the US.

“Wow, Hillary Clinton was SO INSULTING to my supporters, millions of awesome, hard-working people”.

Trump spoke at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Louis Saturday, where he said that Schlafly is looking down on those gathered, telling them to “keep up the fight”.

She issued a statement today expressing “regret” for the being “grossly generalistic”.

Trump’s subtle jab hasn’t been the only comparison of Clinton’s remark to Romney’s, which is often attributed to the demise of his presidential bid.

One new goal for Clinton now, aides said, is to spend more time trying to connect directly with voters by sharing a more personal side of herself – and by telling them where she wants to take the country.

Clinton’s campaign has defended her remarks.

Both Trump, a native New Yorker, and Clinton, who was senator from NY at the time of the attacks, have agreed to refrain from campaigning Sunday, continuing the tradition of setting aside partisan politics on the somber anniversary.

According to a Reuters poll in the spring, about 50% of Trump’s supporters described African-Americans as more violent and more criminal than whites, and 40% described them as “lazier” than whites. “I regret saying ‘half” – that was wrong”, Clinton said in a statement released by her campaign.

“From the start, Donald Trump has built his campaign on prejudice and paranoia”.

Clinton, 68, had also told the crowd at the fundraiser that other Trump supporters are people who feel let down by the government and the economy, and are “desperate for change”.


Democratic strategist Lis Smith said Clinton should clarify her “tone deaf, momentary gaffe”.

Clinton regrets calling'half of Trump backers'deplorable