
Clinton leaves 9/11 memorial abruptly, campaign says unwell

Hillary Clinton abruptly left a 9/11 memorial service in New York City after apparently feeling ill Sunday morning, NBC News has learned.


As she left her daughter’s apartment late Sunday morning, Clinton said she is “feeling great”.

Clinton left the event after about 90 minutes while it was still underway, Nick Merrill, a Clinton spokesman, said. But he offered no additional details, including whether the 68-year-old Clinton required medical attention.

A video taken by a bystander shows Hillary Clinton wobbling and being held up by three people as she left a ceremony at the World Trade Center marking the 15th anniversary of the September 11 attacks.

“I would love to give specifics, as far as I’m concerned”.

Hillary Clinton says he’s “feeling great” after having to leave the 9/11 anniversary ceremony in NY feeling overheated.

Clinton later went to daughter Chelsea’s house nearby and emerged telling reporters that she felt much better.

Her doctors say she made a full recovery from surgery she underwent in 2012 for a blood clot.

A smiling Clinton was then greeted by a young girl on the street to pose for a picture.

“Since we can’t get that done for taxes, I don’t think we’re going to get it done for health”, he said, referencing Trump’s refusal to match Clinton’s release of her personal tax records.

Clinton walked out of daughter Chelsea Clinton’s apartment on her own and made only a brief comment to the reporters waiting outside, saying “It’s a handsome day in NY”.

She is seen stumbling and her knees buckle before members of her security team helped her into the waiting vehicle. The journalists who travel with her campaign were not there to witness her arrival. She later said she regretted using the word “half”.

Clinton may well be totally fine – and I certainly hope she is.

Clinton arrived at the September 11 memorial in Manhattan at about 8:19 AM, where she chatted with Democratic Sens.

Trump was also in attendance at the memorial ceremony and left the service before it ended. “We put out the information”, she said at the time.

During an appearance last month on the Jimmy Kimmel program, Clinton called GOP claims about her health a “wacky strategy”, and opened a jar to comically prove her strength.


“Let me say that what we have released is commensurate with what others who have been nominated for president have released”.

Hillary Clinton at the 9/11 Memorial before she left the event after overheating